Sunday, March 31, 2019
Management of Organizational Performance: Literature Review
Management of Organizational military operation Literature critiqueMany broad translations of oversight of execution of instrument burn be give when one goes through the bulk of attention materials available in books, journals and internet. Michael Armstrong 2000 obviously describes wariness of public presentation as a means of acquire reform leaves from a whole presidency, or teams and individuals within itwithin an agreed mannikin of planned goals. Whereas Armstrongs description does non exactly introduce a myth definition in heed literature, it captures the extensiveness of the field of appraisal. This field is full of complexities in regards to elucidating the exact scale of practices and mechanisms involved in surgical operation appraisal. Armstrongs definition sets us on an excellent path when it comes to understanding these complexities. Donna Mitchell in her book transaction Management is more than forthcoming in her definition and attempts to overlay more ground in the counselling literature. She adds an separate dimension to the definition by first including performance measurement in her attempts to exhaustively describe focussing of performance. She describes performance measurement as the impact of assessing progress towards achieving predetermined goals (Mitchell, 2007). She goes frontwards to describe perplexity of performance as, building on that process adding, the relevant communication and action on the progress achieved against these predetermined goals (Mitchell, 2007).On slide by of incorporating the aspect of measurement of performance in counselling, it is notable to appreciate that focusing of performance is fundamentally ab by management of people. It is basically an attempt to handle the manner in which people in an physical composition work, both singly and with early(a)s. Aspects like supervision, decision making, inclusive employee involvement, pauperization and promotion of technological innov ations among workers argon equally crucial in the victimization of the presidency. Mitchells definition is an improvement from Armstrongs description and more elaborative. It trick be observed from the two writers that the field of management is unmistakably composed of several disciplines. Diverse modalities for organisational evaluation ar existent and thus various operational methods go been formulated to individually value an organizations development. Financial department policies that specifically deal with accounting ar mostly employed in evaluating and controlling the financial robustness of organizations. The proficient operations department evaluation policies are inherently concerned with enhancing the logistic fluidity of activities and functions in the various departments. The human resource department on its part is largely specialized in enhancing verbotenput of personnel. These three purport an insight into the compound realm of management of organizati onal performance.The discipline of management that is closely related with the appraisal of organizational performance is the human resources. Neverthe little, other departments select evaluation score cards that respective managers use to criticism in assessing employee outputs and efficiency. Elaine Pulakos, in Performance Management A New nest for Driving Business Results, underscores the significance of management of organization performance cosmos tactical, united, geared towards enhancement of performance and enforced enactment of positive development concepts. But this wide and ambiguous definition of management of organizational performance deposits it an increasingly intricate undertaking. The specific appraisal component that is make passly connotative of the progression of performance evaluation is definitely the performance scorecard Rampersad posits that the fit wit, as a motherfucker of measurement has evolved into the ultimate unit arrow of progression or regression. He divides the measurement tool into two components the own(prenominal) Balanced Scorecard or PBSC and the Organizational Balanced Scorecard (OBSC) (Rampersad, 2003). The occasion is for individual employees to evaluate themselves, while the latter is for entire organization to dullard its collective progression.Whereas different literatures on management will present divergentthough synonymousdescriptions of management of organizational performance, most of them are homogeneous in their acknowledgement of the brilliance of the practice. To formulate a strategy, a argumentation or organization of necessity sufficient data that indicate its current status. The current status of the organization will be determined whole(prenominal) by a analyze of the organizations performance. The performance management similarly aids in management of the process of implementing the conceptualized strategies. In the process of managing the formulated strategies, the scorecard data will caution against making assumptions. In the absence of a scorecard, an organization can comfortably make assumptions about its position and use the hypothetical data to make skewed and erratic projections about the future. Balanced Scorecards for the individuals and the organization are the besides sure means of def wind uping the development or degeneration direction of buckram (Thorpe Holloway, 2008).The management of organizational performance can help a guild ascertain that it is realizing minimum allowable standards that are necessary for continued existence. These could be standards pertaining to environmental safety or legal provisions. Management of appraisals of the order in any case communicates a clear message of expectation to the employees. As such, employees are intended of not only their duties and responsibilities, but of performance standards the employers expect them to deliver. Stakeholders are to a fault informed of the companys sense of direction s uch stakeholders include current and future manageholders, concerned government authorities and clients or customers. Management of organization performance can be a strategy for the acknowledgement and appreciation of the surd work and bang-up port of excellent employees. Appreciating and recognise excellent employee behavior can be an incentive or a source of motivation for other employees to improve on their deli very and output.Clear as the benefits of management are, there exist two performance management precepts. The first is the tactical management of performance and the other is conservative management musical arrangement. The tactical system which is purely strategic is also intrinsically reactionary and depends on grocery store or environment settings and conditions. The tactical management system is triggered whe neer there are drastic changes in the organizational surroundings and the business wishs to ad plainly its activities in the wash of environmental c hanges. The conservative performance management system on the contrary is a continuous system that is carried out at predetermined regular intervals to egotism-regulate the unanimous. The regulation could be a quarterly, bi-annual or periodic process, planned to coincide with specific but organization-wide release of statements, for example turnout output statements, fiscal position reports or profit announcements (Carton Hofer, 2006).Other than communicating the position of the firm to stakeholders, the regular management of organizational performance is deprecative in inspiring and rewarding exceptional employee behaviors. While in the formulaic logic the evaluation of employee performance and the reward preciss catch been associated with release of firms fiscal reports, some organizations are using the Personal Balanced Scorecard to pull off salary, wages and salary for their employees. Niven, 2006 is a big critic of the system that seeks to use appraisal reports in a ssigning compensation packages for its employees. Niven argues that appraisal results are streamlined only if the rewards for good behavior are gifts that supplement an employees pay, not if the result is use to calculate and determine the compensation package. Mohan Nair disputes Nivens argument in his book, Essentials of equilibrize scorecard. Mohan is of the view that a scorecard is the surest means of keeping employees in term of enlistment all year round. He, Mohan, posits that an organization has no business providing attractive compensation packages to non-performing employees as the main goal of an organization is to generate profits. Niven is critical of using scorecards to determine compensation packages because they create rivalries among employees within departments and they are also unsustainable.Niven wants us to imagine a scenario where the performance of an employee keeps fluctuating on monthly basis. If an employee is outstanding on the first month, average on th e second and grossly underproductive on the third, does the management keep on updating the compensation package for all(prenominal) of those months and for either single employee in the organization? Matthew Kammerer explores deeper into the pros and cons of balanced scorecards as were demonstrable by the pair of Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton. He notes that while Kaplan and Norton were innovative in formulating a system for evaluating performances, he hypothesizes that anomalous employee behavior is most likely to be observed in the bulky haul. This system will eventually urine down on the worth of tactical performance management as it will not be entirely impartial to all employees. interrogation done by Michael Hammer on the same issue backs up Kammerers hypothesis, and points out to the prejudicial nature of scorecards on junior employees. The reward scheme is done by senior organization employees and these superiors will assign themselves prospering points and poc ket the bulk of the rewards.Many departmental managers grow raised complaints regarding the partisanship of performance rewards scheme, and particularly criticized the criteria employed to settle on rewards. The human resource department is at the centre of this reward scheme and is equally burthen by the tenets to be used in rationally allocating rewards (Hammer, 2007). The big hesitancy therefore is, what aspects need to be managed when evaluating the performance of the organization? The quandary of assessing organizational performance is such a demanding undertaking that management experts and observers can only speculate on the best slipway forward. Fiscal strategies are conventionally regarded as the easily usable schemes in numerous firms. With the turn of the millennia however, organizations have become more complex with multifaceted dimensions that need cannot be evaluated by fiscal analysis alone.Paolo Taticchi reckons in the International journal of Productivity and Performance Management that fiscal analysis, by use of management accounting, is an incomplete tool as a comprehensive organizational performance indicator. Taticchi notes that the use of management bookkeeping information is only comme il faut when reviewing inflows and outflows. The inadequacies of purely financial appraisal systems in performance review have spawned a shift from approach analysis to encompass a wide range of issues such as a review of the firms goals. Observers in the appraisal of performance have debated and proposed ways in which organizations can formulate proper judging systems. From the bulk of management literature available on performance measurement, comprehensive review outlines have the aim of delineating performance in a manner that echoes strategic organization goals (Taticchi, 2010). These outlines possess fundamental attributes that assist in pinpointing the apposite serial publication of standards against which performance is sustainably asses sed and managed.The literature covered in Thorpe and Holloway (2008), and Taticchi (2009) highlight the reality that a series of review measures employed by a firm moldiness soak up a crystal representation of the firm. These measures ought to echo the fiscal as wellhead as the non-fiscal strategies the internal and environmental attributes and the competence and efficiency measures. The generated outline of quantitative measures moldiness also generate a clear indication of the firms performance. elusion in point, the minimalism and perceptive basis of the Organizational Balanced Scorecard is regarded as its most resourceful feature, as it is artless and readily grasped (Fakhri, Menacere Pegum, 2011). Outlines need to show the necessity for a firm to employ a series of measures that are multifaceted in dimensions. All areas of organizational performance must be measurable to reflect development or regression in the outline.The sight of a chief executive officer handling a mas s of data that has not been filtered into meansful information is not so uncommon. Such heaps of data does not present any meaning and insightful account of the performance of individual and departmental units in the organization. To take away the occurrence of a scenario where an executive reads heaps of data that bears no informatory insight, the department of quality management has to come into action. Some reputable methodologies can be used by the quality management department to cover the apparent inadequacies of balanced scoreboards for example the Demming Cycle (Balanced Scoreboard Institute). Developed by Edward Deming in the mid last century, he held that business processes ought to be scrutinized and gauged to make out the sources of discrepancies which result in manufactured goods digressing from clients specifications. The Demming Cycle represents just one of the many mind tools that are not only geared towards fiscal analysis but cover other crucial organizational issues.The Demming Cycle is simple place the undertakings and activities of the firm in an incessant feedback loop so that supervisors can make out and alter the activities that need upgrading. To demonstrate the wheel around, he used the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check- process) cycle to keep performance management in continuous check (Averson, 1998). Under the Plan, the management or whoever is concerned with the review of performance management-devises and revises the organization processes and the associated components (activities) to guarantee continuous development or improvement in results. The Do part of the cycle is concerned with the carrying out of the Plan, and the gauging of processes performance. The Check section is meant for estimate of products measurements, and the identification of faults. The results obtained from the Check section are forwarded to the organs of decision making. Finally, the lick part is mainly an action phase. Changes are made at this degree in case fau lts have been detected in the system.Tools for quality legal opinion managers are not few. There is the OODA loop which is an acronym for Observe, Orient Decide and Act that is used as a precept for strategic operations in the organization. The OODA loop appreciates the reality that the process of decision making is continuous cycle that needs regulated periods of observing and acting indefinitely. Similar to the Demming cycle, it is a bullying mechanism that requires communication in the organizational structure. The six sigma is another management strategy, initially a project of Motorola, which is geared to identifying defects and eliminating them before they impact on the performance of the firm. It incorporates statistical quality management systems. Six sigma has its own share of debatable controversies and has been likened to the balanced scorecard for its lack of creativity by a host of management literatures. Research into the sigma six effects on business quality has rev ealed that an excess of 90 percent of firms that implemented the quality assessment programs recorded a loss in fortune (Morris, 2006). Others quality assessment tools include COBIT or Control Objectives for breeding and related technology that is specifically used in the information technology organizations and is a creation of the Information Systems Audit and Control Association. AIDA an abbreviation for Attention Interest Desire pull through is another tool used in the marketing department to appraise marketing performances (Morris, 2006).All the management literature reviewed in this paper provides resourceful information in managing the performances of an organization. The literatures clearly indicate that for an organization to unlock its potential drop it must deal with right quality management tools and they should be apply appropriately to realize their potential. Performance management ought to be cross-section(a) and not only target a particular section of the workf orce. The exact performances that are being appraised ought to be reflected against expectations, the requisite requirements for outstanding performance and the qualities the clients are feeling for. Performance must also be managed and appraised against feasible strategies and goals. A cross-sectional link between the performances of employees in hierarchical organizations should be explicitly assessed, so that the elimination of any possible conflicts in evaluation of employees is carried out. Conflicts are clear stumbling blocks in organizational evaluation. Such conflicts in the form of organizational political sympathies need to be deracinated to ensure that departments with functional dependencies correlate with each other harmoniously.Organizations must center their performance appraisals systems towards communicating insight to employees, and not just generating raw data on employee productivity. If quality assessment tools are impelling and the organization is realizing its objectives without subjecting employees to data about their performance, a positive culture of self drive is calculated amongst employees. On the contrary, if an organization is performing well and the company keeps on generating data for the purpose of rating employees, it creates a rivalry among departments and employees. This wherefore results in some employees developing dysfunctional behaviors, either due to paranoia or insecurity over their jobs (Falcone Sachs, 2007).Considerable collective organizational effort must be spared to ensure the gradual development of apposite traditions in the firm that promote engagement of the firms employees in the processes and objectives of the company. Such a tradition should naturalise the feeling of appreciation among the employees so that employees enjoy their work. In brief, organization performance management will first encompass aspects such as supplying of employee roles and demarcation of specific expextations from employees. Second, it involves an incessant process of performance supervision by use of quality assessment tools. Third, it encompasses the development of employees aptitude and competence to ladder their roles. Fourth, it involves the intermittent positive appraisal of performance of individuals and departments. Finally, it covers the sensitive issue of rewarding employees who are exhibiting excellent organizational behavior and performance.Why i distinct to go to college?Why i inflexible to go to college? When I gestate about college I sound off about a lot of analyze and not enough time for myself. But I know that when I graduate college I will have many opportunities available. Going to college has abnormal my life in many ways, but in the end it will all pay off. I then decided that I precious to go to college because I want a better future. After I graduated high school, I never judgement about college. The tenableness I never thought about college was because, my parents didn t have that very much funds to support me through college. My parents wanted a better future for me, so that I can take care of myself. I then decided to go to Hennepin Technical College because they offered me financial aid. If it wasnt for financial aid, I wouldnt even telephone about going to college. I have a total to fin in my family, and my father is the only one working. Financial aid helped me out a lot because, I didnt have to pay for anything. They helped me out with my guardianship and my books. But sometimes my tuition dont always cover all of my appeal in college. That made me happy because, I know that my parents didnt have to perplex about paying for my tuition. Another reason I decided to go to college is because, it is closer to home. I wouldnt want to be making a long drive home from college. I also decide to go to Hennepin Tech because, of the time. They have morning time, afternoon, and evening classes. I am a evening person. I concentrate better in the e vening than 700AM. When I wake up that early, I feel like I cant concentrate. So for my classes, I have mostly all evening classes and one morning class. I try my very best to stay focused, but that was the only time they have available for morning class. When I started college, I thought that it wouldnt be so hard, but I was wrong. Not only do I have to study hard, but I dont have enough time for myself. I am going to college to become a alveolar assistant. In my dental class I have an exam every time I go to that class. I also have paper due for my other class the same time I have to study for my dental exam. It is so frustrating, because I dont know which one to do first, and I also become stressed out. But I end up doing well on my papers and on my exams. With all that studying and exams I have, I cant get a job, because I have so much work to do at college, I dont think that I can keep up with a job. My parents are great, they never tell me to get a job, because they know th at I have to much papers and exams at the top of my head. They always tell me to focus on my studies and dont worry about a job, that they will support me. That made it less stressful knowing that I dont have to worry about getting a job. College has affect my life in many ways. I am the first one in my family to pay heed college, which means my parents are very proud that I decided to go. Since I am the first to attend college, I want to show my two brothers that they can do it, if I can. College has change my way of thinking. I know that when I graduate college, I will have a brighter future with many job opportunities available.
Are Artists Heroes? Artists that Defy Convention
Are Artists Heroes? Artists that Defy ConventionThe stem of Artist as HeroThey do not fight wars, bar famine or rescue small children from burning buildings. Yet, at to the lowest degree according to some Renaissance-era boosters, they atomic number 18 heroes. Though they may not select led battalions, their accomplishments on the canvas were thought to be of such order of magnitude that, according to many, they deserved heroic praise and treatment. (Barolsky, 1998.) Two inventionists of their time who may deserve such accolades- emphasizing the qualifier- were Berthe Morisot and throng Abbott McNeill whistling marmot. Though their work did not necessarily put their lives and bodies in danger, they, and many contemporary impressionists were heroes for daring to keep back convention.Berthe Morisot was born into a wealthy French family where she was taught to appreciate art from an proto(prenominal) age. However, this appreciation did not mean that she should have sought to m ake art her lifes work and Morisots decision to do so was sure as shooting a surprising one. Manet became one of her biggest influences both professionally and personally, so some(prenominal) so that he was flattually her brother in law. (Neary, 2005.)Morisot was known for her intense technique, with her loose brushstrokes, unfinished backgrounds, and light-infused color (Author Unknown, 2005) which placed her squarely in the impressionist camp, a school of thought she remained loyal to in her work tenacious after the Impressionists disbanded and the movement died.James Abbott McNeill Whistler, a Morisot contemporary, was born in Lowell, mama and spent his childhood shuttled between America and Russia, which was where his father worked as a railroad engineer. Shortly after his father died, Whistler, then still a child, came back to America, settled in Connecticut and at bunked West Point. At the age of twenty, Whistler left America and never came back, preferring to work in Eu rope. However, Europeans themselves did not care for Whistlers output, considering it to be too abstract. Whistler in turn responded that the art favored by critics is too detailed, close to to the turn on of the canvas being stuffed with extras. (Author Unknown, 1998.)What made Morisot and Whistler, whose only commonality seemed to be their artistic styles, deserving of being artistic heroes? Perhaps it was their will to unsex convention. This willingness cost them dearly. As Brown writes of Morisot, Whistler and their fellow impressionists, they began to oppose the faculty member standards that had dominated artistic production since the time of Louis XIV and were consequently met with unrestricted mockery and derision. (Brown, 2005.)Whether in politics, religion, art or any other verbal expression of society, it is never an easy thing to defy convention. Indeed, Browns clause notes that towards the beginning of Hitlers reign, he organized the degenerate art indicate where the German public was invited to laugh at what was perceived by Nazis to be art that was beneath them. Two decades later, United States Senator Joseph McCarthy targeted visual artists in his hearings and terzetto decades afterwards another United States Senator, Jesse Helms, insisted that the National Endowment for the Arts be disbanded. All three of the subjects mentioned above had plans that reached beyond artists- be it Hitlers closing Solution on McCarthys hearings on supposed Communist sympathizers- or Helms frequent attack on minorities and homosexuals. Yet in each of these cases, artists were the canaries in the coal mine- they were the first to wither attacks because they were perceived to be the easiest targets.Before his dying in 1903, Whistler produced over four hundred paintings, many of which are now exhibited in galleries and museums world-wide. (Author Unknown, 1998.) Yet, all this fame was garnered well after Whistlers demise. Even Leonardo Da Vinci, despite bein g well-respected even during his years on Earth, was mistrusted by certain British authorities- because he worked with his left hand. This enamored many of the powers that be as ungodly and at one point Leonardo was tried as a sodomite. (Brown, 2005). Indeed, history is filled with recruits who, despite having done good, often ground-breaking work, faced persecution- particularly in the Old World- Galileo, Newton, even Einstein.Lest one think that this is merely an exercise in Christianity-bashing or possibly in decrying conventional Western civilization as we know it, it is grievous to note that early Christians themselves faced the wrath of others for being different. Tertullian, a figure of the Roman times, elucidated that Christians are to blame for every public disaster and every misfortune that befalls the people. (Wade, 2002.)Nor does this mean that anything which is new will inevitably shunned, with innovators put on the dock by the majority. A contemporary example invo lves the British Council, which late reopened in Libya after a thirty year absence. (Black, 2007) However, people as a whole tend to operate within narrow confines, tend to lead safe lives and tend to dislike sudden changes or challenges to the casual of life. It is this aversion to change that allows the ridicule and persecution of the different.What, or who is a hero? certainly those who fight fires, catch criminals, serve on the battlefield, or minister to the frail in hospital wards count. But so too those men and women who create, chirk up and persevere against the odds of their time.References1) Author Unknown. (2005) Berthe Morisot An Impressionist and Her Circle, National Museum of Women in the Arts, 14 January-8 may 2005, accessed via http// on 25 May 2007.2) Author Unknown. (1998) James McNeill Whistler, Scottish-American,History Club, July 1998, accessed viahttp// y98-3.htm on 25 May 2007.3) Barlosky, P. (1998) Leonardo, Satan and the mystery of Modern Art, The Virginia Quarterly Review, Summer 1998, accessed via http// on 25 May 2007.4) Black, I. (2007) Great Grooves and Good Grammar, The Education Guardian, 10 April 2007, accessed via http//,,2053576,00.html on 25 May 2007.5) Brown, B.A. (2005) The Artist as Crazy, as Fraud, as Psychopath, ArtScene, April 2005, accessed via http// on 25 May 2007.6) Neary L. (2005) Impressionist Berthe Morisot, Rediscovered, National Public Radio (NPR) dawn Edition, 1 February 2005.7) Wade, R. (2002) Persecution in the Early Church, Probe Ministries, July 2002, accessed via http// on 25 May 2007.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Greek History Class and Status
Grecian History partition and StatusAre there some(prenominal) limited discernments to be had from analysing Grecian report in terms of either folk or status? conformationic history go offnot be viewed as complete without analysing the class structure and status, as most of the historical try out we tolerate acquired from the classical period learn come from inscriptions and sculptures made by nonp beil particular class of lot, who had a high status in society.Thusly it is not necessarily close draw ining special appreciations as it is gaining as complete an insight into Hellenic quaint history as possible, though special insights will inevitably present themselves.This side of Greek history has simply been foc employd on since these issues have come to the fore in advance(a) propagation what with Marxism and communism rising in the 20th hundred these issues of class and status come under classical scrutiny because it is fatal that they were as relevant the n as they are now because world nature does not change and you will see clear comparisons. altogether men native to a particular city-state who were free and owned shoot were entitled to the full protection of the law in a city-state and be considered citizens. The Athenian social structure consisted of the macrocosm creation divided up into four classes based on wealth.This differs from Sparta where all male citizens who finished their instruction were considered bear upon. So it is clear that insights derriere be gained from analysing Greek history because both class and status are issues that classical historians must understand in order to have as complete as possible brain on Greek history.People who were not part of the free solid ground owning citizens were known as metics. Foreigners who moved into the city were part of this group, so in addition were slaves who had been freed. It potful certainly be argued that this is exploitation of and looking down on certain groups of tribe showing us a special insight into how the dissimilar classes saw each other and the status each acquired. This insight could not be attained without analysing the class or status.Because they did not have the technology we have today in antiquity, G. E. M. de Ste. Croix argues in his book The Class exertion in the Ancient Greek World that the dominant loaded classes continued to dominate by demanding a lot more than was truly necessary from the lower classes. Such matters as sla genuinely, serfs, debt bondsmen and some other methods were apply to stop the lower classes from rebelling by keeping them busy.This is backed up by people such as Aristotle, who wrote in his Politics that men (meaning citizens of the state) were reasonable animals exclusively slaves and women were not capable of reason. He called slaves animate tools whose only use was to obey the commands of the rich masters. In his Politics use he writes, further among barbarians no distinction is made between women and slaves, because there is no inseparable ruler among them they are a community of slaves, male and female. Wherefore the poets say,It is occupy that Hellenes should rule everyplace barbarians as if they thought that the barbarian and the slave were by nature one.This gives us some clear insight into the mindset of the citizens of Greek city states.There is a common misconception amongst people that Greece was a unify nation that thought as one. But, I have already displayed a difference between two different cities in Greece and their social structures were rather different and these differences do notch us special insights.Greece was not one nation operating under the said(prenominal) thinking, moreover it contained many different identities, it is both a Mediterranean and a Balkan country. In fact, an official Greek state did not come into being until Rome united it as one. There were hundreds of different states across the scope which contained the people who became known as the Greeks. Loyalty was held to their own city states, rather than Greece as a whole.We can in any case gain some insight into daily life when analysing Greek history in terms of class or status. Most of the population were forced to work on the soil by those that were free citizens who were a low-toned number of wealthy landowners and owned a lot of land. The slaves would work on the wealthy landowners land, there was minute alternative to this. So they were viewed as mere tools, as the aforementioned quote from Aristotle shows, describing them as animate tools as if they were in advance(p) day tractors or any other tool that engenders culture easier, for the wealthy landowner at least.There is withal another area of examine, apart from the relationship between the wealthy landowning citizens and the metics and slaves which is approximately how business in world(a) was conducted in Ancient Greece that is opened to us once we study Ancient Gr eece from the positioning of status and class. Paul Millet suggests that patronage has had so trivial written about it that one might think it did not scour exist in the Ancient Greek World.However, it must be said, with what little evidence we have Sparta is the city-state we have the most evidence for patronage, but on a lower floor this is capital of Greece. Athens was viewed as the most advanced democracy of the time, and the aforementioned Aristotle as well as viewed it as such, despite its inequalities.This quote from Aristotles Politics is relevant here as, storage his previously quoted view on barbarians, here he is talking about the citizens of the perfect democracy, which does not include slaves, women, metics and others Democracy arose from the idea that those who are equal in any respect are equal absolutely. All are alike free, therefore they claim that they are all equal absolutely.Athens has always been said to have been the first true democracy by mainstream cla ssical historians, special insight can be gained here from examine Ancient Greek history from a class and status perspective to denounce that myth. Though all members of the citizenship of Athens could suffrage at the assembly, the considerable majority of the people who actually lived in Athens, like the metics, women, slaves and others could not vote or have any say in political life.Comparisons can be haggard to today here as, before Solons reforms slavery was inclined as a punishment for debt. This is comparable to today and offer special insight because today personal debt is at an all time high, peculiarly in America and Britain and if the debt becomes too high the banks send bailiffs to seize your home and your home effectively removing you from the citizenship and making you a metic.Using the Marxist political orientation adopted by de Ste Croix in his aforementioned book, more comparisons can be drawn to today as a small minority of the people still maintain all the wealth. The means of production concept is also as relevant then as it is now and the owners of the means of production, the middle class still control it thus forcing the common man or the task into working in order to survive. This in effect is slavery as they have no other choice but to work and leave the means of production to keep the wheels of democracy and capitalism turning.Analysing the status of women also offers special insights into Greek History that would otherwise have gone forgotten by the male reign classical period. The role of the female in Ancient Greece was one of purely being a housekeeper and a fuss to any children she may have. As I have said, there was no way for them to get involved in political life. Plays like Aristophanes Lysistrata shows that the very idea of women being in power was considered completely ludicrous and was only relevant when they wanted to make a joke.Like slaves, women could hold no possessions as they belonged to her father and t hen once she is married to her husband. Their primary bureau of looking after the home included the use of many slaves, classification out finances, spinning, bread making and of course weaving which is the epitomy of the feminine thing to do as in evidence from Homers The Odyssey. They lived and ate in shed light on quarters from the men, nor could they go out in public on their own. terrible women had it better as they were allowed to take part in athletic competitions and loosely had more freedoms. Comparisons can be drawn here with modern times also as in the Islamic creed women are encourage not to be seen in public and in the Christian faith women have always been vilified. This is clearly special insight being drawn from Greeces Ancient history as studying the status or class both offer the opportunity to compare social issues from ancient times to today, as they are clearly still relevant.We can also gain insight from this because Athens direct democracy may not have w orked if it werent for its usage of such strict requirements to be allowed to participate. This creates insightful debate over this very reasoning meaning that it was not a democracy per se, but rather a democracy for the few where only a small section of society could participate and be elected. Comparisons can also be drawn to today with the long Bush-Clinton dynasty heading towards their fourth straight president, who comes from the same elite wealthy section of society. But the only difference is that the debt slaves of modern times actually choose not to participate instead of being forced not to as was the case in Ancient Athens.A more obvious comparison to modern times and what we can need from the Ancient Greeks is the modern examples of literal slavery as opposed to the frugal enslavement I have spoken of. Slaves in near modern times are preferably comparible to those of Ancient times and thus offer an interesting insight into Greek history and what we can learn from it in terms of their mistakes, before slavery was abolished in 1863 in America many people were taken from Africa and elsewhere to America to work as slaves.This is quite reminiscent of the barbarians I quoted Aristotle speaking of earlier, saying how they were less than human. This was the kind of posture that allowed slavery to continue for as long as it did, and as western society takes its origins from classical history it is then easy to understand why it was so readily accepted. The same comparisons can be drawn about the treatment of women and minority groups whose racism they had to endure is similar to the treatment and opinions of barbarians at the time.In conclusion, what constitutes special insight can be interpreted many different ways but I pure tone that it relates to the information we can gain that has previously been ignored by the classical history establishment, in favour of focusing solely on the elite wealthy landowners without considering the slaves and the peo ple who did not necessarily have a voice. This is why I feel de Ste. Croixs use of Marxist ideology in his book The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World is extremely apt in portraying this special insight as it effectively shows the same dust of control that is employed today as back in the Ancient Greek World in a different format to today, but still ultimately debt slavery.It also offers special insight in the general goings on of Ancient Greek society with the question of status and class relating to patronages usage and if it was even used at all as the omit of it in history books would suggest. The biggest special insight I feel it offers in terms of either class or status is that it shows the lack of willingness to make the unheard voices heard, it clearly shows that Greek history is written by those that dominated it and its majority of people living there as slaves, metics, women will alas remain an unheard voice in the trumpeting of the creators of democracy we appa rently hold so dear today.ReferencesDe Ste. Croix, The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World, Duckworth Ed, 1997Paul Millet, Patronage in Ancient Society, Routledge, 1989Aristotle, The Politics, Jowett translation, revised by Jonathan Barnes, 1981Homer, The Odyssey, E.V. Rieu translation, Penguin Books, 2003.Arisophanes, Lysistrata and separate Plays, Alan H. Sommerstein translation, 2003Professor Paul Cartledge, Critics and Critiques of Athenian Democracy, 1st January 2001, BBC http//
Effect Of Media On The Childhood
assemble Of Media On The fryishnessChildhood histrionicss be derived from media as hearty as policies and laws, the two creation interrelated. Media images produce influential perceptions about tykeren that may be translated into ideologies and through the same laws and policies influence kidrens well being and material needs. Media likewise highlights that the identity of puerility as a social construction is rattling dissimilar to adulthood. It is depicted as marginalised and incap fit. With the introduction of many forms of technology in the past 20 years it is non surprising that media now plays an even greater integral berth in shaping childhoods, mine being no exception. All this power exerted by media c everys for well-nigh form of analysis.In other instances, the childhood figure is overlapped with that of animals, which is evident in the movie house, LEnfant Sauvage (1969), where Victoire, the wild boy, able himself to an uncivilised situation ( mill about, 2000).The ruling of innocence of children is commonly showed in childrens books and films such as Little Lord Fauntleroy, where Cedric symbolises innocence and beauty. Children are deemed to be protected from secret knowledges, namely sexuality and death. In sign, until recently, girls were portrayed as asexual and ignorant of sex (Humphries, Mack Perks, 1988). In contrast, the premature disposition and sexualisation of young girls and the need of auspices of their innocence is highlighted in the film variegated Babies (1993), a film about young girls in beauty pageants (Robinson Davies, 2008).The notion children as vulnerable and in need of protection, is outlined in deuce Oliver Twist, where Nancy saves Oliver from Bill Sykes physical abuse. The abduction and consequent murder of the young James Bulger is other shocking example vulnerability of children.On the other hand, children are to a fault characterised as being autonomous. In Harry Potter, Harry epitomises thi s perception in books in his fight against evil. The feisty independent character Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables is another example. Girl power was to a greater extent related to touristy music with phenomena such as the Spice Girls who promoted this neo-liberal feminist identity in teenage girls in the 90s.The novel Coral Island depicts children as apprentices where they develop skills, draw their dreams, and move on to adulthood. However, coeval Prose fiction works portray children as a distinct group from adults. These works are realistic, rough seasons dark, and child-centred exemplified by by Roald Dahls Matilda and Anne Finnes Madame Doubtfire.The images of children presented by the media are multi-faceted and sometimes contrasting, evident in the film Leon, where Mathilda, is portrayed as mature and independent but still perceive as a vulnerable child in need of protection in Leons eyes (ICS, 2010).It should be questioned as to how accurate cultural artefacts re al are. In childrens literature, Hunt implies that authors depict childhood as they perceive it, and and then not a true reflection. Childrens books are therefore likely to portray attitudes to childhood rather than any soul or culturally agree childhood (Hunt, 2009). Its power was in the image it left behind, imitated by some children in real carriage. Nowadays, children are not as influenced by contemporary literature. They study become more knowledgeable and sceptical, the so-called active reader. Texts for these children defend lost their power (Hunt, 2009). Readers and viewers may interpret messages in distinguishable ways according to their identities and divisions such as age, sexual practice, social class and ethnicity. globalisation of media brings about a certain detail of standardization whereby children in different parts of the world are being exposed to the same stimulant drug and subsequently start showing some common traits. Moreover, media itself exercise s a degree of control on how messages it delivers are interpreted. This is called the hypodermic syringe model. Messages are not only delivered but new meanings are produced bringing about the doubled hermeneutic phenomenon.Representational practices play a crucial role in influencing the material lives of children. Prominent music artists hold up used media to promote the cognisance of different races, The most well-kn sustain event was Live Aid in 1985 highlighting the plight of starving children in Africa.Media can be a strong influence on health issues in children, evident in the recent significant increase of the illness anorexia nervosa in girls may experience been as a result of T.V. and magazines portraying a very boil down figure to be the accepted image as well as the explosion of obesity in children. It is estimated that 20 % of children in UK are grievous (James James, 2004). Consequently there is now a drive from all implicated to promote more healthy-eating pr ogramme such as Jamie Olivers T.V. series.The film ice by Alan Clarice 1979 portrays how a borstal in UK further brutalises young offenders. Its huge cultural impact was a contributory factor in the 1982 reform that replaced borstals to younker custody centres This is an example how the media can influence the first appearances of the State (Mills, 2000).Todays children are more independent, inquisitive, creative, and can use media effectively, forming part of the net generation of childhood. In fact Katz (1997) regards these children able to create their own polishs and communities (Buckingham, 2009 126). The use of internet is invaluable for these children in the field of instruction and research. Also, through the introduction of social networks, they are able to communicate freely with one another. There are besides some concerns, as children are at risk of exposure to pornography, violence and cyber-stalking. Also, it is argued that they hightail it to spend more time co nfined to their room resulting in slight family consolidation. A study surrounded by childrens bothday activities and the media showed that among media, television was the prime suggester in families lives. This was done through quantitative and qualitative methods using questionnaires, interviews, as well as new methods (Tufte, 2003). Media technology is in addition influenced by sexual practice and class identities. This is highlighted by the fact that the majority of computer games are compete by boys and also that, middle class children have more rise to power to computers than their working class peers.Over the years, different media has shaped my childhood, such as television programmes, magazines, music, the internet, pamphlets, books and billboards. As a young child, Care Bears and Barney, were amongst my favourite programmes. These were statement and instilled in me the values of caring and tolerance. Other films include Sleeping viewer and Cinderella, by providi ng images of princesses and happy endings which have evidenced me to dream as a child. other character worth quoting is Miss Honey in the book Matilda by Roald Dahl who presented as a role model. In fact, at cardinal years of age, I decided to become a teacher, and have everlastingly strived to be kind and gentle just like Miss Honey. A Maltese media campaign to keep the environment clean, symbolised by a excellent hedgehog, Xummiemu, was set up, when I was growing up. These billboards, posters and magazines influenced me in respecting the environment. Messages on billboards such as the advert Smoking kills, on our main(prenominal) roads, had put me off heater completely and never smoked a single cigarette in my life. As a teenager, the internet was used as a efficacious source of information in my school assignments. Through MSN Messenger and Skype, I have stayed in touch with my friends and relatives who live abroad.The internet is unique in that it is an interactive form of media allowing childrens global communication and the promotion of their creativity and spontaneity. I feel close to this culture which is critical of what media portrays even when the same media seems to have taken over our lives.Word count 1,347ReferencesBuckingham, D. (2009). New media, new childhoods? Childrens ever-changing cultural environment in the age of digital technology in M. J. Kehily (Ed.), An introduction to Childhood Studies (2nd Edition) (pp. 124-138). Berkshire Open University Press.Humphries, S., Mack, J. Perks, R. (1988). A Century of Childhood, London Sidgwick Jackson.Hunt, P. (2009). Childrens literature and childhood in M. J. Kehily (Ed.), An introduction to Childhood Studies (2nd Edition) (pp. 50-69). Berkshire Open University Press.ICS (2010). Sociology of Childhood, Study send 1. Glasgow ICS.James, A. James, A. L. (2004). Constructing Childhood Theory, Policy and Social Practice. Basingstoke Palgrave MacMillan.Katz, J. (1997). Virtuous Reality How Am erica Surrendered sermon of Moral Values to Opportunists, Nitwits and Blockheads like William Bennett. New York Random House.Mills, J. Mills, R. (2000) Childhood Studies A Reader in perspectives of childhood, Routledge, New York.Mills, R. (2000). Perspectives of Childhood in J. Mills R. Mills (Eds.), Childhood Studies A Reader in perspectives of childhood (pp. 7-37). London Routledge.Robinson, K. H. Davies, C. (2008). SHES KICKIN ASS, THATS WHAT SHES DOING Deconstructing Childhood Innocence in Media Representations. Australian Feminist Studies, 23, 343- 358.Tufte, B. (2003). Children, media and consumption. Advertising Marketing to Children, October-December, 69-76. plow the role family plays in shaping childhood. Give examples of cultures within a family bodily structure and reflect on your own culture.There is general consensus that family does shape childhood from the first minute its set up(s) start to interact with it in the context of a wider culture. (Gittens, 2009 36). The family is the foundation of social stability and the primary means of social reproduction. This institution moulds the child through education, morals, values beliefs (James James, 2004). Family besides the traditional atomic family also includes lone parent, funny/lesbian, extended families, and cohabitation. Indeed, the family is instrumental in shaping the child to become an integral part of society (ICS, 2010b).Childhoods are dependent on the identities and positions of the childs family, as these will have different structures, resulting in different experiences (ICS, 2010a). In recent years delayed child bearing means that children are less likely to share the companionship of siblings or wider kin. Single parent families are the second highest risk factor, after unemployment, for children to live in scantness (Clarke, 1996). Lower social class, unemployment, alcoholism, and drug abuse have serious consequences on childrens well-being in the shape of poverty, poor so cial conditions, mental health problems and physical abuse. Children from minor ethnic families may be disadvantaged as a result of poorer housing conditions and lower pay as well as an increased prevalence of chronic diseases such as rachitis and T.B (James James, 2004).Also, parents lifestyles may affect childrens lives conductly. Smoking in families is detrimental to childrens health, significantly modify magnitude asthma in their children. Nowadays, most parents work sledding less time to prepare meals, which may result in children eating more chuck out food. Armstrong, Hill and Secker (2000) argue the beneficial effects of parental affection on the childs well-being. In comparison family breakdowns, increasing in number, are a cause of stress and mental problems in children (James James, 2004 Armstrong et al., 2000).Childrens identity is seen as a dormant experience of being parented. Children possess a Double Status the affinity status as the child and the age-based st atus as the minor. The link between womanhood and childhood is focused on childrens needs discourses (Lawler, 2000). According to research, the share of the family is specific to the fulfilment of gender-based roles, where female persons are a source of care and expression, and males the main source of income (ICS, 2010a 15 MacNaughton Smith, 2009). Parents act as role models by background knowledge examples which are crucial in shaping childhood. Children also learn gender roles from the family. For example, if cooking is done only by the mother they might harmonise it exclusively with females (MacNaughton Smith, 2009).State laws and policies use the family to implement and control children. The state also uses the family as an ally in the battle for social control (James James, 2004 191)) and progressively regulates childrens lives (James James, 2004). Development of family friendly employment practice through social benefits, results in more stable families, better suppor t of children during their education, and reduced levels of delinquency (James James, 2004).The child is regarded as the object of legal rulings with childrens rights generally overruled by their parents claiming to act in the best interest of the child, thus their agency being denied (James James, 2004 201). The effective verbalise of children in family proceedings is well documented, both in the Children Act and the UNCRC. However, the executing to date is another matter, even welfare professionals view children both as carefree and powerless (ICS, 2010b 45). In fact, family law in England and Wales classifies a child as a person with a disability (James James, 2004 200).In every culture lies marriage, residence, family size and composition, family status and role, family power and authority, family communication that are rather universal. These elements of family structure in vary from one society to another (Uddin, 2009 438).The representation of the family structure in w estbound culture is usually portrayed as a nuclear family composed of two siblings. This model is still portrayed as ideal according to mainstream parents websites such as Media has always portrayed an image of the Western family. Nowadays, it brings us a variety of different family structures including gay couples and single parents.In Muslim cultures, there are clearer gender demarcations where all family affairs are decided by the senior male member, leaving other family members fully dependent on their decisions without any say (Uddin, 2009). The male is usually the bread winner whilst women take on the emotional role such as child rearing and household chores (Uddin, 2007). Another feature of this community is the large family size, thus an extended family structure is adopted to stop adequate family support. Family structures in Muslim Western communities vary from those in more traditional societies as the former face lifestyle choices which are not available to the latter. Middle-class, though not working-class, Muslims have expectations and a level of education comparable to non-Muslims (Abbas, 2003 Ahmad, 2001). Muslims regard their Islamic faith as fundamental to their identity. However, Sikhs and Hindus understand education to be their main priority, allowing greater occupational opportunities, class mobility, integration and acceptance (Abbas, 2003).On a more personal note, I grew up in a traditional Maltese romish Catholic nuclear family consisting of four members my parents, my older sister and myself. This is the most common structure in Malta. My father is a doctor and my mother is a housewife who gave up her job as a secretary to raise us. My parents raised us striking a balance between being open to change but holding onto the strong values of Maltese culture and Roman Catholic beliefs. These beliefs form an integral role in our way of life and shape our views on family. Family authority has always been shared between my paren ts. However, they have always valued our opinions, even as children. This has created an open communicative blood between us.The family has influenced many aspects of my life. Due to my large extended family, I grew up surrounded by younger children, playing with and teaching them. This sparked my interest in teaching Early Years. The short distances facilitated the formation of strong family bonds. We live in a typical neighbourhood where people lend a aid hand when needed, though can be nosy. Despite Malta being a small island, we are not insular as we are influenced by other cultures, namely British and Italian. We are multi-lingual and have a Western outlook. We are also influenced by foreign family ties, my grandmother being British. Our culture motivates us to maximise our potentiality by pursuing a higher(prenominal) education, particularly a University degree. Opportunities are few and competition is high. Ambition is instilled from an archaeozoic age, and expectations a re high. I form part of a very close- enlace family which is dependable and supportive. We consider this to be our role and responsibility to each other. I enjoy the security and stability of our family whilst still enjoying my independence and autonomy.All the same aspects are crucial as the resources and environment of the family have a direct influence on how children and adolescents deal with emotions, relationships as well as their potential for future success (Wen, 2008). Nonetheless, it is fundamental to perceive the child as an individual actor whose needs must be considered in the context of their own childhood and not merely as an extension of the needs of all of those who share the status of being children.Word count 1,241
Friday, March 29, 2019
Marketing Plan Oberoi Hotels In Mumbai
trade forge Oberoi Hotels In MumbaiA lavishness 5-star backup hotel, The Oberoi, in the buff Delhi provides wholly oer 250 get on and suites. It features the surmount of restaurants, a tumesce-equipped business pennyer and a rejuvenating spa experience. In addition the dedicated service bes the hotel popular with business and m old(a) failers. way a bl exterminate of traditional and colonial tendency, the rooms atomic number 18 with with(predicate) with(p) up with traditional Indian art and handicrafts and withal appointments from Europe. The hotel has interpreted attending to ensure there is no compromise on opulence, so a perfect ease of modern luxury and traditional charm has been achieved. regally nominate baths and specially prep ard toiletries add well to the luxuries grouseed. Guests back tooth study rooms with divergent views, the most popular cosmos pocket billiards-view or golf game course-view rooms. Amongst the most luxurious, the Kohinoor suite is the most luxurious.The Oberoi adjures perfect rejuvenating experiences for the guests. A 9000 square state of the hotel dedicates itself to make you feel relaxed and get rejuvenated. The Oberoi Spa features a therapy suite, an Ayurveda therapy room and a hydr oppositeapy room for Vichy shower. For those who go to bed to take laps, the hotel has temperature controlled go forthdoor swimming pool which allows you to swim in all oceansons.Designed to suit the unavoidably of the cast business activateers, the hotel is well-appointed with all requirements for the same. It offers to guests conference rooms with a message to accommodate a regular recurrence 300 people, business centers with all modern facilities and another(prenominal) business facilities.Company OverviewThe Oberoi, MumbaiLocated in the citys prime business and shop district of Nariman Point, The Oberoi, Mumbai has been completely re intentional to be the ultimate destination for contemporary style and l uxury in the city. Over expression the Arabian Sea, the hotel welcomes you with space and serenity. Luxuriously appointed guestrooms boast been meticulously planned with a host of innovative features victimization the latest technology.The Oberoi, Mumbai is located on Marine Drive, the famed boulevard on the coast in S placeh Mumbai. An hours drive from the airport and only(prenominal) pro tack proceeding away from the business, financial and entertainment districts, the hotel is also well located to get run through the citys tourer attractions.The hotel offers a rich variety of dining experiences ranging from an all solar day dining restaurant serving worldwide cuisine, to an Italian Restaurant and a signature Indian restaurant under the direction of a Michelin starred chef.An high-flown location for business mergings and conferences in Mumbai, venues range from private meeting rooms at the 24-hours Business Centre to the conference rooms on the top floor of the hotel offer sweeping views of the Arabian Sea.Recreational facilities ack at a sequenceledge an outdoor heated swimming pool, a fitness centre and a full service Oberoi Spa. The Spa and the Fitness Centre are overt 24 hours.Complemented by Oberoi Hotels legendary service delivered by caring lag, The Oberoi, Mumbai is the ideal hotel for discerning business and leisure trigger offlers.http//,-New-DelhiBlending-Business-With-Pleasureid=2320861Our faultsBusiness HotelsThe Oberoi, CalcuttaThe Oberoi, MumbaiThe Oberoi, New DelhiLeisure HotelsThe Oberoi sahl hasheeshThe Oberoi RajvillasThe Oberoi MadinaWildflower Hall, SimlaCurrent Situation Macro Environment (PESTEL Analysis)EconomicalThe thriftiness of UK has been getting back to the normal impersonate as there are signifi sesst measuring stick of maturation in the tourists visiting the study cities of capital of the United Kingdom as well the rest of the United Kingdom and so with the migrants from different parts of the human race for jobs which would therefore occur to a general sum up in the sparing of the UK. Initially there get to be a high investment in purchase of building up of the watercraft which would be covered under the financial capabilities of the world-wide assembly of hotels as there has been a gradual stability and increase in the economy of the worldwide Group of HotelsInterContinental Hotels was the important talking point yesterday as London started the saucy course of instruction with a bounce.InterContinental climbed 6.3 per cent to 597p after a unit of Hong Leong, the Asian conglomerate that owns Thistle Hotels, declare a 3 per cent stake.As it has been seen that the due to the economy crisis of receding there were many job losses which has left out the ingenious workers out and away from their jobs but as flat clearing of the general debts of all the terra firma economy there has been a significant step-up in the economic fa ctor outs as well many job openingsAnd as seen now there is an substantial increase in Tourism vault of heaven which would be quiet related to opinion of cordial reception on poster of Intercontinental unconsecrated drop off and so would be easier to find undergo labourhttp// Britain there is newborn Liberal Democrats Government which allow now bring on new rules and regulations on the learn a change in taxation insurance in correspondence to the present taxation policy on BritainThe main focus of the government is to reduce the carbon credits by lessen the carbon emissions and much(prenominal) elements leading towards global warming. This means there will be an increase in the force out costs by dominating taxes over it which will directly effect on the driving of the go vessel of Intercontinental Blue Retreat which may confuse a long journeys of a week from Britain to Caribbean, Mexico, Bali, D ubai at initial and thus expanding with the themed pass retreats so the taxation institutionalise are the major(ip) c oncern in turn overations with the render as well as the service taxation rates which are to be revisedSocio Cultural EnvironmentSince the time slew of sail travel came into existence the travel ocean stock certificaters have been a locating symbol for a frequent leisure traveller who had the power to pass by high amount for his travel. It was only the upper phase of the society who could have afforded to travel with leisure on board but since the concept of travel with leisure had been came into existence promoting varied tourist countries and attractions it has been quiet afford able for the work class and became a means of themed travels just instead of travel with leisureThe average age of tourists travelling varies now from the young age group to the old age group start outing from 15 55 for the usage of visiting places over the world for holiday purposeTechnological FactorsThe advancements in the canvass liners for facilitating the tourist with all the facilities throughout the journey. The major concerns in the sail liners is the technologies to be used for overplus management and water preservation and stock as well the oil or waste spills in the sea which are to be looked as major concerns.Some of the canvass liners are already implementing Water saving technologies are found throughout sail enchants, such as vacuumed toilets and low-flow faucet aerators on water outlets. In minimising emissions, is also looking at ways to reduce the amount of send away used. As well as figure much fuel-efficient itineraries, the cruise line is pilot-testing a reck angiotensin-converting enzymer schema that will make vessels much aerodynamic and lessen fuel consumption and have to further reduce sulphur oxide and nitrogen oxide emissions and particulate matter over the near decade in accordance with MARPOL sum up VI, rev ised in 2008, which relates to air pollution.Some cruise lines are already implementing scrubber technology on board their directs, a constitution in which the natural chemistry of seawater is used to scrub the sulphur out of a ships exhaust gases. These technologies are to be implemented and for which the budgeting will the looked over and thus new technologies will be adoptedEnvironmentalThe cruise ships emit tons of sulphur emissions into the sea on a one-year average. The use of low sulphur-producing fuel which is the most popular means of minify sulphur emissions in the cruise industriousness, also comes with some environmental consequences. The swear out of distilling crude oil to make the fuel leaves refineries with a type of waste fuel that is unusable and thus it leaves back a considerable amount of solid waste. Research is been carried out for viability of solar and wind turbine technology for ships and is fixate to release a sustainability report soon detailing muc h solutions for the prospective which will make the cruise liners eco friendly without disturbing the ecological balance and harming the environment.LegalThe introduction of a new cruise liners should consider the confused legal terms to be followed up which are imposed and correct by the Cruise liner International Association (CLIA) along with the legal regulating bodies of the nations the laws and acts such asDesign and Construction standardsCruise vas Safety and Security ActSea Environmental law (solid waste/ Toxic / Ballast water / Air Pollution)Sexual assault on Cruise ActLog Book and villainy ReportingCrime Scene PreservationThese all rules, regulations and acts are to be considered from formulation a vessel to the onboard safety and security of the consumerhttp// AnalysisAccording to the project bar graph there seems to be a substantial increase in the cruise travellers at bottom the sexual climax two years and this would be a very good thin g for the Intercontinental Blue RetreatThe Cruising has become a major part of the tourism intentness as well as for onboard hospitality accounting for with over 18 gazillion passengers carried worldwide in 2010. The worlds largest cruise liner is Royal Caribbean which would be the major competitor for the Intercontinental Group. The industrys rapid growth has seen nine or more newly built ships catering to a North American line added every year since 2001, as well as others servicing European condescension. Smaller securities industrys, such as the Asia-Pacific region, are generally serviced by older ships. These are displaced by new ships in the high growth areas. so the Intercontinental with its new vessel would initially grab on the European market and and so with the themed holidays and thus moving towards the far easthttp// use Micheal Porters five force analytic thinking model it will help oneself us to classify the major five forces f or the Intercontinental Blue Retreat warlike Rivalry in that respect is an existing high density of cruise liners along with a increase in 32 new vessels in the coming three years which will lead to increase in vessels and so creating a port reserving problems along with the shortage of ports for existing cruise vessels There has been a competitive rivalry between the major cruise liners in the departed few decades in accordance with the on board serve they offer to attract the customers along with the varied experiences for the cruisers to remember withThreat of New EntrantsThough there are 11 new cruise vessels to be driveed in 2011 there is a level of little terror of entrants in luxury cruise market .The easiest way to enter the cruise industry appears to be via mergers, acquisitions, and takeovers. There are essentially three cruise market segments contemporary, premium, and luxury. on with these types of cruises comes varying levels of service and expertise. The high cost of training and maintaining exceptional employees for their shops, casinos, entertainment, hotel staff, world class chefs, and of course the maritime staff requires a parent union with vast financial resource. Therefore the threat of new entrants is substantial. As the equal market strategies can be applied over but the other large group of hotelsThreat of SubstitutesThe cruise industry holds a quaint fleck in that the threat of a substitution by some other vacation activity by the current consumer market seems likely to be high with the pioneering cruise companies such as Royal Caribbean, Carnival in the cruise tourism. Family cruises are also growing in popularity. a cruise vacation is generally cheaper than a traditional vacation forgather of ground. Many lines offer package airfare and cruise rates to their customers. An increasing number of lines are expanding their ports of call and destinations to please the demands of todays diverse cruise market. According to a sur vey 25 ships from major cruise lines from three more than last year is now carrying about 10% more passengers. All this means more choices for travellers. And thus increase in competition with the existing pioneering cruise companies and increasing a threat of substitution with Intercontinental Blue retreatBargain personnel of SuppliersA rise in fuel worths has been quite costly for the cruise industry, who are not only directly affected by fuel cost for running their own ships, but must raise ticket prices to cover the increase cost of flying due to high fuel prices and a hike in airfares. Quality, dependability on suppliers are critical in order to ensure repeat cruisers. If the victuals was good on the number 1 cruise, consumers expect it to be up to par each time they cruise. This goes for advertising too. Carnival was the first cruise line to use idiot box ads to parent itself. Travel services also play an important place in promoting and fulfilling cruise reservations . the hatful power of the suppliers in regards to fuel , nutriment , supplies is likely to be high which needs an proper evaluation in accordance with the service contract for constant supply of the resources.Bargaining creator of CustomersCruise travellers have many different lines to read from, each offering a slightly different variety of service on cruising. close to cruise lines target middle class travellers with the gallant ocean liner experience. The first time travellers or cruisers are offered along in by moderately priced air and cruise package rates. Often one can buy a cruise vacation anywhere form $125-$250 per person, per night. close to hotel stays in major cities are more expensive per night, not including transportation as well as food. Along with low priced package rates, consumers are also demanding a unique vacation experience which would make water a difference in their normal vacations . Now cruises appeal to a younger, hipper audience, and its easy to see why. Modern cruise ships are being more like floating resorts, offering everything from Casinos, spas and gyms to in-line skating and Rock-climbing walls. Cruising is the fastest-growing segment of the travel Ships also stop at more ports, with over 1,800 destinations worldwide to choose with. So does the bargain power of cruisers increase along with having wide options of cruise liners to choose from.Customer Analysis (current and targeted)There has been a rapid growth in number of UK cruise passengers travelling by cruise liners which have efficaciously been doubled in just eight years. The cruise report makes the divination based on estimates by the UK Passenger Shipping Association that 1.35 billion cruises were booked by UK residents last year, with a rise of 15% to 1.55 one thousand million predicted for this year. Now cruises are attracting to a younger, hipper audience, Modern cruise ships are being more like floating resorts, offering everything from Casinos, spas and gyms to in-line skating and Rock-climbing walls. Cruising is the fastest-growing segment of the travel Ships also stop at more ports, with over 1,800 destinations which would certainly lead to increase in the family travellers and young travellers which would create a trend for them to travel in luxuryThe base target of the Intercontinental group would be to create a difference on their cruise liners along with the genesis trends. initially it will be launched starting the voyage from UK to Mexico, Caribbean Islands, and covering 1 voyage to Bali and Asian country parts. the motive would be to create a difference in hospitality as intercontinental is following the concept of making customer happy and to create enceinte hotels guest lovehttp// EnvironmentThe potentials of Intercontinental Blue Retreat Strengths veracious financial stability of the brandCustomer c ommittednessLarge database of Intercontinental customersPioneers in Hospitality since long timeLuxury Brand insure along with all 9 brands of intercontinental groupAssured clienteleWeaknessesHigher fixed costOnboard service is labour intensiveSeasonality of ship usageWeak environmental policiesLong lead time for ship delivery before introduction in the marketCompetitive industry with other pioneering cruise linersHigh fuel and maintenance costOpportunities judge 11 more ships in next four years yet 8 % have taken over in the tourism vault of heaven by cruise linesAgeing population wants relaxing vacationsMultilingual staff for language efficiency which can be picked over within from the properties over the worldships for mergers or acquisitions from existing vessels due to brand powerThreatsMaturing industryOvercapacity of vessels in the seaRate of growth might slow downExpected growth of 6.3 % in coming yearTight regulations in voyage and cruise lawsOther cruise companies to incr ease their vessels in next years by acquisitionsCompetitive advantageThe aim is to build a sustainable competitive advantage could be achieved by Intercontinental Blue Retreat through the Intercontinental Hotels resorts groups economy and their pioneering performance in past few decades acquiring over 6 major brands within Brittan and world over . Possessing extensive knowledge of the UK market and existing extensive investigate into consumer behaviour they can offer a holistic service back up by the groups expertise in customer service. Intercontinental already has a guest committedness card of which the regular guests or customers can supporter of the discounted rates on the voyages or themed holidays with family and friends also can avail business facilitation with intercontinental business jets for conferencing. Intercontinental blue retreat would formulate a cruise theme trip along with the hotel stays at intercontinental resorts at varied location along with hampered gift packages for the loyal customers or frequent customers and offering business coaches for business class within the cruise and pioneering the cruise linersMission Vision and core values of INTERCONTINENTAL HOTEL congregationMission To create colossal hotels guests love.Vision To build the hotel industrys strongest operating system focused on the biggest markets and segments where scale really counts. effect ValuesDo the right thingShow we fretfulnessAim higher abide by difference micturate better togetherMission Vision and Core values of INTERCONTINENTAL toothsome RETREATMission To create best cruise guest would love.Vision to build up the pioneering voyages with a great customer satisfaction maintaining the higher scales in the cruise tourism celestial sphereCore ValuesDo the best for the guestShow the care through better service on boardBe pioneersWork unitedlyCreate valuable differenceIntroduction of INTERCONTINENTAL BLUE RETREATThe cruise vessel of Intercontinental would be introduced in spend 2010 from south Hampton port of bully Britain and the first voyage would be with grand opening to Caribbean island. The vessel would be initially advertised with the in-house merchandise from all the brands of intercontinental group and along with a in-house reservation desk in the manor hall of every hotel as travel desks at the lobby which would help make aware the brand loyal guests with the pre launching of luxury cruiseThe Marketing Strategy (Marketing Mix)ProductThe result being a service overlap it has to be generally promoted based on the brand image of the hotel so as to facilitate loyal customers with the efficient and luxurious on board service at the intercontinental Blue retreatPriceThe price of the voyage would be as along with the luxury with an offered discounted rate to the loyalty card members of intercontinental group and along with a discounted rate for the first 200 reservation special family and themed packages with a special rated wi th over the chosen destination in accordance to promote the voyagesPlaceThe cruise vessel of Intercontinental would be introduced in summer 2010 from south Hampton port of Great Britain and the first voyage would be with grand opening to Caribbean island. The vessel would be initially advertised with the in-house selling from all the brands of intercontinental group and along with a in-house reservation desk in the lobby of every hotelPromotionThe promotions are to carried out at initially by in house promotions by in room pamphlets, advertisements on in room televisions and to the business class by a presentation of advertisement of launching and on a large scale by followingCompanys own WebsiteBillboardsPrinted advertisements restrain position to business classLoyalty members offersOnline mediaSales promotionsSponsorshipType of Promotion regularityObjectiveCompanys own websiteEfficient, branded website with online booking facilities.And initial advertised summonProvide infoEna ble online bookingsBillboards.billboards at the major transport lines and tourist places along with the airport and stationsCreate awareness and promote the luxury voyage facilitated for the consumersPrinted AdvertisementsPoster advertisementsAds in publications such as the travel and tourism magazineremind and retain customers about the brands new launchDirect MailLetters,Pamphlets.Reaching business class segment efficientlyOnline MediaEmailsBannersSponsored tie inmerchandisingSocial media websitescomparison websitessites.Utilise the internet to reach as many targeted customers, efficiently as possible, to guide them directly to the online booking system and retain data of customers to avail them with promotions.Sales PromotionsIn-house promotional stands and desk prior the launchInform about the luxurious service of the cruiseLoyalty members offerOffer with special packages to loyalty card membersTo increase brand loyalty of customerSponsor high end eventsSponsor high end events with a handful budget.To get relation with the people in events and thus make brand promotionsMarketing StrategyDifferentiation Strategy Intercontinental Blue Retreat should make their cruises more unique and luxurious consequently other cruise lines making differentiation with the packages or the services provided on board by the pioneering brand in hospitality.Sample of Advertising full of life ReflectionI am a graduate in hospitality and tourism management with a relevant experience of one year working with a 5 star property. I have in condition(p) marketing in my bachelors but havent related or do not have much relevant experience with the same. It had always seemed interesting dependent according to me. Coming from a hospitality background, learning the marketing concepts in depth and relating them with the real world scenario has been a truly worth experience. I was also able to explore the creative side of me while intent of the advertisement which made me think of the se veral factors which should actually be taken into consideration.My expectation at the beginning of the module was to learn the basic concepts of marketing which are to be used on regular basis on and throughout marketing in any industry. still I have not only learned the core marketing theories but able to entertain the theoretical concepts to practical. I feel confident now as i can take any return and formulate a descent marketing strategy. Following a video advert for the designed product line is a concept of learning the advertisement trends of marketing the new product which is quiet interesting.The assignings provided me a tremendous opportunity to apply the gained theoretical knowledge and bring into practice. I have always considered PESTEL analysis and marketing mix as the main tool to analyse a marketing strategy for any product. These both theories provide a concrete base for marketing any product. while designing the product line of my product it became quiet clear a nd concise to me how anyone can relate efficaciously use the 4 Ps of marketing mix considering not only the product and place as in usual rather then also looked over the price and promotion of the product which are of major considerations for any product. My concept of promotion of a product was only as advertisement but as i progressed through the coursework i found out that advertisement is just a basic tool of promotion. Whereas promotions can be done in varied different ways to promote the product in market.One of my biggest misconceptions about product placement was unclutter in this assignment. I always used to consider the placement of product about an large scale in a hypermarket .as going through the product line of my new product of an chain of hotels to cruise liners was a huge and massive product for which the location on the right place at right time maters a lot as the cruise business is usually termed as seasonalPESTEL analysis helped me to look overall factors whi ch would effect the new product in the existing competitive market. at initial the factors like political, social and environmental factors where not been of much grandeur in accordance to me but while going through the assignment i take in that these factors to play a major concern in case of INTERCONTINENTAL group of hotels launching a cruise liner. The environmental factors are of major consideration with the legal environmental laws for the cruise liners as to regulations of carbon emission and oil spillages of cruises are considered with different laws which are followed up by the companiesMarket analysis is an another vital tool to fuck and evaluate the market segmentation of an particular product in the market. as considering the marketing game which initially i found to be worthless. But it proved to be a very effective tool for evaluating the strategies to be applied in accordance to market situations. i always had it in my mind as a key assignment where i have learned t o evaluate the market in accordance with the situation of the market and the requirements on the product in the sector. it also helped me to consider major budgeting factor as we in a group where provided with a fix budget.During designing of the product, I had to keep in the mind the existing product portfolio, and the brand image of the company. This was challenging as they act as few factors within which I had the design the product. Placing myself in the shoes of a marketing head, I had to keep in mind the overall marketing strategy of the company, where my product fits in to the plan and how it delivers value to the customers. How would my product differentiated from the other competitors in the marketThe consumer analysis in the coursework was one of key learning aspects to consider the consumer behaviour along with the consumer buying habits depending upon the several factors such as age, sex, culture, habits, psychology, needs and wants of a customer which helps in formulati ng a unique products which can be differentiated from the others thus creating a competitive advantage. The purchasing power of customers vary which makes it more difficult for pricing a product accordingly and also that means to me as a marketing person is that I need to keep in mind these various aspects while designing the marketing vex. Therefore I felt, the customer profiling apply is a great tool to understand and identify the target segment of the customers. This exercise has enabled and enhance my understanding of marketing as a tool to figure out the right target segment for the right set of customers and the right campaign that will help promote/sell the product.It was great to know that the intercontinental group of hotels maintain a portfolio of regular and business class consumer as well the loyalty card members. They avail and provide their consumers with a global facilitation with the loyalty card with the all existing 7 brands over round the world.The porters five force analysis which considers the differential factors irrespective to any other theories has helped me through the assignment to consider the situational analysis of the product in the coincident market as the factors considered such as competitive rivalry, threat of entrants, threat of substitutes are major concerns for the market situation analysis while the bargain power of consumers and suppliers where of not much importance to me unless i evaluated the assignment and came through the situations where such analysis are the major issued as for INTERCONTINENTAL cruise liners had to enter into new market there the supplies such as fuel, food and water suppliers are the major onboard requirements to be considered and suppliers bargain power has helped me to once-over evaluation of any supplier rig out analysis was useful in clearly highlighting the strengths I can use to promote and position the product, looking to weaknesses how i can improve the defects on the company, opportu nities and threats will help me to look on to futuristic considerations. The best thing about the SWOT analysis was that during the process of conducting SWOT for the pioneering brand of Intercontinental Hotels and resorts, I realised that it is a very effective tool to understand a companys position in the overall market. Realizing the benefits of a SWOT analysis I distinct to conduct a SWOT analysis on myself. This was even more insightful to me. It clearly helped me understand how I can improve myself professionally and personally. Considering my strengths weaknesses and improve myselfAfter going through the assignment it reminds me of the question which was once asked to us as in a practice session to delve on with Marketing is an art or a science? This now truly makes me feel that it cant be any single piece of the duo pair because the science of the theory is implemented and the form of marketing art helps to implement the science into practical. So it cannot be just the one part of instead both terms compliment each other. During the exercise I felt I have undergone a complete translation in terms of
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Beloved: Analysis :: essays research papers
From the beginning, Beloved focuses on the import of memory and history. Sethe throw togethers daily with the lasting legacy of slavery, in the forge of her threatening memories and also in the form of her daughters aggressive ghost. For Sethe, the present is mostly a struggle to beat back the past, because the memories of her daughters death and the experiences at unused Home are too troubleful for her to recall consciously. But Sethes repression is problematic, because the absence of history and memory inhibits the construction of a st satisfactory identity. evening Sethes hard-won freedom is threatened by her inability to confront her previous life. Paul Ds arrival gives Sethe the opportunity and the impetus to eventually come to terms with her painful life history.Already in the source chapter, the reader begins to gain a sense of the horrors that have taken place. identical the ghost, the address of the mark is a stubborn reminder of its history. The characters refer to the house by its number, 124. These digits highlight the absence of Sethes murdered third child. As an institution, slavery shattered its victims traditional family structures, or else precluded such structures from ever forming. Slaves were frankincense deprived of the foundations of any identity apart from their role as servants. ball up Suggs is a woman who never had the chance to be a unfeigned mother, daughter, or sister. Later, we learn that neither Sethe nor Paul D knew their parents, and the relatively long, six-year brotherhood of Halle and Sethe is an anomaly in an institution that would regularly redistribute men and women to disparate farms as their owners deemed necessary.The scars on Sethes back serve as some other testament to her disfiguring and dehumanizing years as a slave. Like the ghost, the scars also buy the farm as a metaphor for the way that past tragedies affect us psychologically, haunting or scarring us for life. More specifically, the tree shape make by the scars might signify Sethes incomplete family tree. It could also symbolize the burden of existence itself, through an allusion to the tree of knowledge from which Adam and evening ate, initiating their mortality and suffering. Sethes tree may also offer shrewdness into the empowering abilities of interpretation. In the same way that the white men are able to justify and increase their power over the slaves by studying and understand them according to their own whims, Amys interpretation of Sethes mass of surly scars as a chokecherry tree transforms a story of pain and oppression into one of survival.
Essay On Poems :: essays research papers
Es suppose on 3 ThingsThe three sources I have selected atomic number 18 all based on females. They are all of change and transformation. both of my wefts, "The Friday Everything Changed" by Anne Hart, and "Women and World War II " By Dr. Sharon, are nigh women&8217s rites of passage. The third choice, "The sun is Burning Gases (Loss of a veracious Fri closing curtain)" by Cathleen McFarland is about a girl growing up. The first selection of exploit was a scant(p) legend called "The Friday Everything Changed" by Anne Hart. The changes in this story are good in a woman&8217s point of view. The author Anne Hart talks about her school long time in this short story. She talks about how a girl in her class asked a question that changed their lives forever. The question her friend Niles asked was "Why displace&8217t girls go for the water, too?"1. In those days touch on the water for the class was a boy&a mp8217s job. To go out every Friday, to fill the bucket up with water, and bring it back down to class. This showed that you were strong, and you also got to have some fun missing half an time of day of class. Because the boy&8217s felt threatened by this question, they started bugging and pickax on the girls to make them change their minds. But the girls didn&8217t, and that is what changed their lives. At the end the teacher did let the girls go for the water, and that was a big change for the girls in those days. To show that they can do what the boys can do. Now the girls also get to miss class getting the water and not only the boys. This short story had a humorous tone to it. For example when the author say&8217s "are you trying to be saucy , alma?"2 and "Alma threw a bombshell of her own,"3 etc. The second selection of mine was an examine named "Women and World War II " by Dr. Sharon. There were cardinal different changes in this essay that the war created for the women of America, there was a detrimental change and a good change. The bad change in this essay is that most of the women were left to take care of their families by themselves. They had to find jobs to forget for their families. The good change was that it widened the horizons of American women.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Three Varieties of Bathtubs :: Jeffrey Harrison Literature Essays
3 Varieties of Bathtubs Past, present and future are the simplest ways in which humans perceive time. We recognize the knightly through our memories and our recall of events that already have happened. When look into the future, we can only look at whither we are now in order to guess what our fate might be in the future. Or else we only have our dreams and goals that we look forward to one- daytime accomplishing. When viewing the present, however, everything around us is not an view or remembering in our head, notwithstanding a reality that we use our senses to see, feel, touch, smell or hear. We are using our bodys functions to live and take in what is around us at the moment. When living in the present (as one would say to person who is constantly aware of the moment and what is around them), there is less befall to miss whats in front of us rather than always looking behind or too far ahead. Jeffrey Harrison, in his poem Bathtubs, Three Varieties, seems to feel the sam e way about living in the here and the now. The three varieties of bathtubs Harrison writes about were separated into three stanzas according to their design and their excogitation now, in the present. In the first stanza of the poem Harrison describes an grey- fashioned bathtub, one that was brocaded off the floor by porcelain animal paws that extended off each(prenominal) corner. The particular bathtubs that he was describing were no longer serving their intended design, but rather were outside in a yard like an old car that was once ones hotrod, now scrap metal. These bathtubs, retired from their original purpose, now sightly sat through the seasons and let outside forces such as the withstand and changes in other living things like the walnut tree stock up on without regard to their presence. In the description of these bathtubs, Harrison shows something that although is still here, is part of the past and really does not have a life of its own any longer except just ly ing underneath the walnut tree. This is very lots like a person whose thoughts are caught up in the past, because they, too, are still trying to live something that is over and then lose purpose in the present. Harrison also relates these bathtubs twice to sheep, which are commonly viewed as animals that comply each other, never really having a choice or idea of their own.
Neurobiological Correlates of Mental Imagery to Sensory Perception :: Biology Essays Research Papers
Neuro biologic Correlates of Mental Imagery to Sensory intuitionUnderstanding the brains function in the human body involves examining how arousals are neat and outputs are generated. On a reductionist, neural level it is lots heavy to conceive how such(prenominal) processes lead to our experience of the world. While sensory intelligence and motor output can be directly traced along neuronal pathways, science is still struggling to understand the roots of such internal, intangible asset processes as thinking, memory, I function and ultimately consciousness. It seems possible that these phenomena emerge with the complex integration of lower level processes, but our k immediatelyledge is farthest from being able to comprehend how this might occur.Until recently, these abstract concepts remove been the bailiwick of cognitive psychology and philosophy. Relying on introspection to get at the disposition of our experience, the early philosophers excursions into these realms wer e necessarily highly subjective and were not concerned with biological or anatomical functionality. With the popularity of behaviorism in the early 1900s, mainstream psychologists avoided reference to such issues. The development of cognitive psychology pushed internal processes to the forefront, and examined them by utilizing behavioral indicators to say about the underlying concepts of thinking and consciousness (1).However, only in the die hard two decades have psychologists been able to take advantage of technology which reveals the bodily process of the brain during cognitive tasks. This new approach, dubbed cognitive neuroscience, has attempted to corroborate theories on mental processes with empirical evidence of brain activity (2) . These scientists are now beginning to understand how the brain is responsible for such processes.One of the native candidates for neurobiological inspection is the phenomenon of mental imagery. Introspectively, this ability seems closely tie d to perception, of which we have a firm biological grasp. Furthermore, mental imagery has implications regarding memory, thought, reasoning and emotion, which often seem intrinsically tied to imagery. Mental imagery is an interesting phenomenon because it blurs the trace between inputs and outputs. On the one hand, imagery can be considered an input such as vision because we can observe elements of shape, size and color. On the other hand, we can actively manipulate mental imagery, which resembles a behavioral output of sorts. Either way, mental imagery is generated internally without any infallible external prime. Psychologists and philosophers have long pondered our ability to obtain, examine and manipulate a picture in our head without utilizing actual sensory input.
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