Thursday, November 28, 2019
Winslow Homers Breezing Up Essay Example For Students
Winslow Homers Breezing Up Essay Winslow Homers Breezing Up The1873 masterpiece Breezing Up, by Winslow Homer located in theNational Gallery of Art in Washington DC is an oil on canvas painting thatmeasures 23 3/13 X 38 1/6 in.. The primary subject of this painting is a manwith three boys in a small wooden sail boat that is moving along with whatappears to be a fairly choppy sea. At the center of this painting is the sternof the sail boat. The oldest of the boys is sitting on the high end of the sternwith his knees up and his bare feet planted flat on the deck in order to keephim from slipping down into the water. This image forms a powerful triangle inthe center of the painting. The boy?s use of only one hand on the tiller linecombined with his relaxed posture suggest that he is very much at ease with hisresponsibility of steering the boat. His face is only visible in a semi-profileview which exposes his chin, left cheek, and eye socket. These features are welldefined against thick layers of puffy clouds which are lingering over the water. We will write a custom essay on Winslow Homers Breezing Up specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Like the others in the boat he is facing away from the setting sun which causesthe light to reflect off the back of his long sleeved shirt and hat. Just to theboy?s right is the man in the boat who is presumably the father of the boys. His seated position below the deck allows the viewer only to see his faceshoulders, arms, and hands. His red long sleeved shirt is the brightest color inthe painting, and his calloused hands show strength as he holds the halyard firmin the cleat with a fully extended arm. Of the four people in the boat he is theonly one with a troubled look on his face. According to David Prown this is avery common characteristic in Homer?s work. He says: Although the adults ofHomer?s world seem isolated, his children frolic together in a cheerful worldof laughter and mutuality. For Homer, growing up seems to imply a loss, a fallfrom paradise, removal from happy, carefree innocence and high spirits to aserious, lonely existence in which each man is an island unto himself. (Prown86) This is the perfect description of the expressions of the people in thispainting. The children are clearly relaxed and content, but the father has anexpression that suggests that he has something weighing heavy on his mind , andthat he is receiving only temporary relief as he relaxes on the water with hissons. The other two boys are relaxing up towards the bow of the boat. The olderof the two is stretched out across the deck covering the width of the bow withhis leather shoes hovering inches over the water. The youngest of the boys issitting up right on the deck with his feet resting inside the boat and he has apleasant look of deep thought on his face. Clearly all of these boys are relaxedand content with their surroundings. Numerous fish inside of the boat suggestthat this group has had an afternoon of fishing and recreation. They are notdressed for serious fishing, so there is a good chance they are out therestrictly for leisure. A building off the bow on the distant shore is barelyvisible, and combined with the long shadows of the setting sun, it seems thatthey are heading home. Homers soft blue sky and puffy white clouds take up 2/3of the canvas, leaving only the bottom third for the water and th e horizon. Thesky is completely empty except for a lone gull who?s wings are lit up by thesun as is hovers directly in line with what appears to be a tiny illuminatedsail of another boat on the very distant horizon. Homer also has an uncommonability to recreate curves just as they would appear in nature. He uses thisability to capture the shape and form of the rolling waves in the sea, by evenmore than that he uses it to capture the human experience. The use of thesunlight as it reflects off the cloths of the people in the boat adds to therealistic nature of this painting. The wrinkles of white cotton shirts of theboy?s are accented brilliantly as the sun illuminates and caused shadows ondifferent parts of their arms. The four people in this painting express morewith their body language that they do with their facial expressions. .uc79458362c5d413dbf7f756d54b7b211 , .uc79458362c5d413dbf7f756d54b7b211 .postImageUrl , .uc79458362c5d413dbf7f756d54b7b211 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc79458362c5d413dbf7f756d54b7b211 , .uc79458362c5d413dbf7f756d54b7b211:hover , .uc79458362c5d413dbf7f756d54b7b211:visited , .uc79458362c5d413dbf7f756d54b7b211:active { border:0!important; } .uc79458362c5d413dbf7f756d54b7b211 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc79458362c5d413dbf7f756d54b7b211 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc79458362c5d413dbf7f756d54b7b211:active , .uc79458362c5d413dbf7f756d54b7b211:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc79458362c5d413dbf7f756d54b7b211 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc79458362c5d413dbf7f756d54b7b211 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc79458362c5d413dbf7f756d54b7b211 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc79458362c5d413dbf7f756d54b7b211 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc79458362c5d413dbf7f756d54b7b211:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc79458362c5d413dbf7f756d54b7b211 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc79458362c5d413dbf7f756d54b7b211 .uc79458362c5d413dbf7f756d54b7b211-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc79458362c5d413dbf7f756d54b7b211:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Homeless biography EssayParticularly the curve of their backs is evidence of their state of relaxation. In the children there is no evidence of tension in their bodies. This is incontrast with the fathers posture where tension is quite evident. The viewersposition directly off the stern of the sailboat is a privileged one. It allowsHomers style of American realism to be truly revealed. The exact details of thesmall wooden boat are astonishing. He captures everything from the stitches inthe sail to the twist of the lines. Even the grain of the wood in the hull andthe mast are perfectly visible. The attention to detail is magnificent. The useof light and shadows across the sail form a drastic contrast. This contrastgives the viewer a real feel for the way the sun is shinning across the water. The spray of water that washes over the bow as the boat bounces through thechoppy water is another example of Homer?s close attention to detail. There isalso a merchant ship on the horizon on the right side of the canvas that thoughdistant still retains a great deal of detail. The sense of comfort and serenityon the boy?s faces is an interesting contrast to the expression of worry ontheir fathers face, but this worry clearly is not related to their situation onthe water. This work was completed towards the early part of Homers paintingcareer, and this is apparent by the look and shape of the water. As his lifeprogressed, Homer began to focus on the power of the water in the sea, and heearned a reputation for being one of the best painters of his time in regards tohis ability to capture the motion and and power of waves. In this painting thereis less attention given to the water causing it to have very general andundefined characteristic. This neutral aspect of the water gives the pai nting anover all feel of relaxation and comfort. Prown gives an interesting descriptionto this painting in in his book American Painting From its Beginnings to theArmory Show. In this book he states: Breezing Up is a seagoing version of Snapthe Whip. The boys exert a mutual effort for their common delight. One adult ispresent, briefly privileged to share their pleasure. The day is sunny; the airand water are alive. Wind fills the sails, and the boat fairly shudders as itdrives through the choppy sea. The thrust of air against the canvas pulls everyline taut, and hands work to hold this living machine, quick with the breath ofnature under control. (Prown 87). This is a nice description of the work. Itseems that one of this paintings main focuses is the pleasure and beauty ofchildren in nature. BibliographyPrown, Jules. American Painting From its Beginnings to the Armory Show. World Publishing. Cleveland, Ohio. 1969. Winslow Homers Breezing Up Essay Example For Students Winslow Homers Breezing Up Essay The 1873 masterpiece Breezing Up, by Winslow Homer located in the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC is an oil on canvas painting that measures 23 3/13 X 38 1/6 in.. The primary subject of this painting is a man with three boys in a small wooden sail boat that is moving along with what appears to be a fairly choppy sea. At the center of this painting is the stern of the sail boat. The oldest of the boys is sitting on the high end of the stern with his knees up and his bare feet planted flat on the deck in order to keep him from slipping down into the water. This image forms a powerful triangle in the center of the painting. We will write a custom essay on Winslow Homers Breezing Up specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The boyÃÆ'†¢s use of only one hand on the tiller line combined with his relaxed posture suggest that he is very much at ease with his responsibility of steering the boat. His face is only visible in a semi-profile view which exposes his chin, left cheek, and eye socket. These features are well defined against thick layers of puffy clouds which are lingering over the water. Like the others in the boat he is facing away from the setting sun which causes the light to reflect off the back of his long sleeved shirt and hat. Just to the boyÃÆ'†¢s right is the man in the boat who is presumably the father of the boys. His seated position below the deck allows the viewer only to see his face shoulders, arms, and hands. His red long sleeved shirt is the brightest color in the painting, and his calloused hands show strength as he holds the halyard firm in the cleat with a fully extended arm. Of the four people in the boat he is the only one with a troubled look on his face. According to David Prown this is a very common characteristic in HomerÃÆ'†¢s work. He says: Although the adults of HomerÃÆ'†¢s world seem isolated, his children frolic together in a cheerful world of laughter and mutuality. For Homer, growing up seems to imply a loss, a fall from paradise, removal from happy, carefree innocence and high spirits to a serious, lonely existence in which each man is an island unto himself. Prown 86 This is the perfect description of the expressions of the people in this painting. The children are clearly relaxed and content, but the father has an expression that suggests that he has something weighing heavy on his mind, and that he is receiving only temporary relief as he relaxes on the water with his sons. The other two boys are relaxing up towards the bow of the boat. The older of the two is stretched out across the deck covering the width of the bow with his leather shoes hovering inches over the water. The youngest of the boys is sitting up right on the deck with his feet resting inside the boat and he has a pleasant look of deep thought on his face. Clearly all of these boys are relaxed and content with their surroundings. Numerous fish inside of the boat suggest that this group has had an afternoon of fishing and recreation. They are not dressed for serious fishing, so there is a good chance they are out there strictly for leisure. A building off the bow on the distant shore is barely visible, and combined with the long shadows of the setting sun, it seems that they are heading home. Homers soft blue sky and puffy white clouds take up 2/3 of the canvas, leaving only the bottom third for the water and the horizon. The sky is completely empty except for a lone gull whoÃÆ'†¢s wings are lit up by the sun as is hovers directly in line with what appears to be a tiny illuminated sail of another boat on the very distant horizon. Homer also has an uncommon ability to recreate curves just as they would appear in nature. .ufa2cad14558ebf8f341f0a59bbd9f401 , .ufa2cad14558ebf8f341f0a59bbd9f401 .postImageUrl , .ufa2cad14558ebf8f341f0a59bbd9f401 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufa2cad14558ebf8f341f0a59bbd9f401 , .ufa2cad14558ebf8f341f0a59bbd9f401:hover , .ufa2cad14558ebf8f341f0a59bbd9f401:visited , .ufa2cad14558ebf8f341f0a59bbd9f401:active { border:0!important; } .ufa2cad14558ebf8f341f0a59bbd9f401 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufa2cad14558ebf8f341f0a59bbd9f401 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufa2cad14558ebf8f341f0a59bbd9f401:active , .ufa2cad14558ebf8f341f0a59bbd9f401:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufa2cad14558ebf8f341f0a59bbd9f401 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufa2cad14558ebf8f341f0a59bbd9f401 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufa2cad14558ebf8f341f0a59bbd9f401 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufa2cad14558ebf8f341f0a59bbd9f401 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufa2cad14558ebf8f341f0a59bbd9f401:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufa2cad14558ebf8f341f0a59bbd9f401 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufa2cad14558ebf8f341f0a59bbd9f401 .ufa2cad14558ebf8f341f0a59bbd9f401-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufa2cad14558ebf8f341f0a59bbd9f401:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Gustav Klimt - "The Kiss" painting EssayHe uses this ability to capture the shape and form of the rolling waves in the sea, by even more than that he uses it to capture the human experience. The use of the sunlight as it reflects off the cloths of the people in the boat adds to the realistic nature of this painting. The wrinkles of white cotton shirts of the boyÃÆ'†¢s are accented brilliantly as the sun illuminates and caused shadows on different parts of their arms. The four people in this painting express more with their body language that they do with their facial expressions. Particularly the curve of their backs is evidence of their state of relaxation. In the children there is no evidence of tension in their bodies. This is in contrast with the fathers posture where tension is quite evident. The viewers position directly off the stern of the sailboat is a privileged one. It allows Homers style of American realism to be truly revealed. The exact details of the small wooden boat are astonishing. He captures everything from the stitches in the sail to the twist of the lines. Even the grain of the wood in the hull and the mast are perfectly visible. The attention to detail is magnificent. The use of light and shadows across the sail form a drastic contrast. This contrast gives the viewer a real feel for the way the sun is shinning across the water. The spray of water that washes over the bow as the boat bounces through the choppy water is another example of HomerÃÆ'†¢s close attention to detail. There is also a merchant ship on the horizon on the right side of the canvas that though distant still retains a great deal of detail. The sense of comfort and serenity on the boyÃÆ'†¢s faces is an interesting contrast to the expression of worry on their fathers face, but this worry clearly is not related to their situation on the water. This work was completed towards the early part of Homers painting career, and this is apparent by the look and shape of the water. As his life progressed, Homer began to focus on the power of the water in the sea, and he earned a reputation for being one of the best painters of his time in regards to his ability to capture the motion and and power of waves. In this painting there is less attention given to the water causing it to have very general and undefined characteristic. This neutral aspect of the water gives the painting an over all feel of relaxation and comfort. Prown gives an interesting description to this painting in in his book American Painting From its Beginnings to the Armory Show. In this book he states: Breezing Up is a seagoing version of Snap the Whip. The boys exert a mutual effort for their common delight. One adult is present, briefly privileged to share their pleasure. The day is sunny; the air and water are alive. Wind fills the sails, and the boat fairly shudders as it drives through the choppy sea. The thrust of air against the canvas pulls every line taut, and hands work to hold this living machine, quick with the breath of nature under control. Prown 87. This is a nice description of the work. It seems that one of this paintings main focuses is the pleasure and beauty of children in nature.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on Through A Childs View
Through A Child’s View The Little Prince is a short novel that states the fact that children are the wisest, most intelligent people living. The reason the author tries to get this message across is because he feels that the simple things that children see and think about are in fact the most important things in life, and adults can no longer see them because they are blinded and callused to them from their experiences that they have had in their lives. The Little Prince thinks that grown ups are very misled, and have their priorities in life all out of line. The examples that the author uses to prove this are the examples of the businessman, who does nothing but count stars â€Å"money†and the vain man who wants nothing but praise, or the drunk who only drinks. I think the way the author describes the drunkard is just awesome because he says that the drunk only drinks because he has to drown out the fact that he feels very guilty for drinking. That is exactly how I see drunks and I wish that they would realize that their problems are mainly caused by their drinking and if they would stop then they could handle their problems instead of making them worse. The Little Prince has respect for one of the characters he meets far above the rest. This man was the lamplighter. He respects that lamplighter because this man does not do the job he is given just for himself. The lamplighter lights the lamps for the other people out there who need the light. There are really no people that need the light but the lamplighter does his job anyway. A theme taught in this story that the author shows is the sense of emotion felt in the heart. â€Å"One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes. (63).†The author states this fact when the Little Prince is bidding farewell to his fox that he has grown very fond of and is telling him about the rose who is also his friend. I think that the author’s point is that t... Free Essays on Through A Child's View Free Essays on Through A Child's View Through A Child’s View The Little Prince is a short novel that states the fact that children are the wisest, most intelligent people living. The reason the author tries to get this message across is because he feels that the simple things that children see and think about are in fact the most important things in life, and adults can no longer see them because they are blinded and callused to them from their experiences that they have had in their lives. The Little Prince thinks that grown ups are very misled, and have their priorities in life all out of line. The examples that the author uses to prove this are the examples of the businessman, who does nothing but count stars â€Å"money†and the vain man who wants nothing but praise, or the drunk who only drinks. I think the way the author describes the drunkard is just awesome because he says that the drunk only drinks because he has to drown out the fact that he feels very guilty for drinking. That is exactly how I see drunks and I wish that they would realize that their problems are mainly caused by their drinking and if they would stop then they could handle their problems instead of making them worse. The Little Prince has respect for one of the characters he meets far above the rest. This man was the lamplighter. He respects that lamplighter because this man does not do the job he is given just for himself. The lamplighter lights the lamps for the other people out there who need the light. There are really no people that need the light but the lamplighter does his job anyway. A theme taught in this story that the author shows is the sense of emotion felt in the heart. â€Å"One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes. (63).†The author states this fact when the Little Prince is bidding farewell to his fox that he has grown very fond of and is telling him about the rose who is also his friend. I think that the author’s point is that t...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
LJB Company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4
LJB Company - Case Study Example This discussion outlines that fulfilling these requirements in advance and formulating appropriate plan is the key to a winning entry into the market as public firm. Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act states that the management of the companies, which are made public recently, must deliver a report that evaluates the effectiveness of the firm’s internal control over financial reporting. An attestation report on the operating effectiveness of the measures is also in need to be submitted by the firm. As the paper highlights the manager should appoint independent counsel and advisors as stated necessary by the law to carry out the duties and to deal with concerns related to employees and organization. They are necessary to meet the issues regarding accounting, internal control, and auditing procedures. The LJB Company management should integrate the internal controls systems into the financial processes on time in order to adequately assort and asses the effectiveness of the implemented control measures. The LJB Company is seen functioning well with many of its activities. The company was doing right when it decided to start using pre-numbered invoices for the petty expenses. It would bring the transactions into the daylight from being tampered or manipulated. In the same way, the decision to use indelible ink machine to print their checks is considered to be a wise decision. There is less chances for clerical errors when using indelible ink machines. Furthermore, the system of paying the employees sounds well and suits well with the requirement of becoming a public company. On the payday, the accountant himself prepares the checks distributed at the office. In accordance with the company’s system, before closing fort he weekend, the accountant moves all the cash balance and checks into the safe in his office. This practice makes sure that no cash-at-hand is kept with the accountant without entering the accounts.Â
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Consumer Law Coursework Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Consumer Law Coursework - Case Study Example The driver who was an expert could detect the bad condition of the car but after the purchase and payment. The sales man also did not wash the car before delivery contrary to his promise. His liability arises for having sold a defective car fraudulently, for the damages arising out of the accident occurred after delivery and for not having valeted the car before delivery. Second hand goods including cars came under the purview of Consumer Protection Act 1987 through amendment by General Protection Act 2004. Hence second hand cars are subject to the same terms as they apply to new cars. Martha as a consumer can expect the quality to be satisfactory as per prescribed standards applicable to that good under section 14 of Sales of Goods Act 1979 as substituted by section 1 of Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994.and also section 3 of Sale and Supply of Good to Consumers Regulations 2002. Accordingly, the car bought by Martha should be fit for the purpose, safe enough and durable as claimed by the seller at the time of sale. Martha can claim full refund of the value paid and she make an immediate complaint. No time should be lost since the seller can not say that the car might have been mishandled by the buyer after the purchase. But the witness of the driver who drove the car for delivery to Martha can always testify the condition at the time of delivery. I f Martha returns the car within a maximum allowed period of six months, she need not prove that car was faulty at the time of sale. If the seller is not wiling to take back, the burden is on him to prove that it was not defective at the time of sale. Martha should make sure to initiate legal proceedings immediately in case of the seller's refusal, though a claim can be lodged within six years. If the seller agrees for the repair and the repair still does not set right the defects, Martha can claim full refund though Martha can stick to demanding full refund since the seller has sold a rogue car fraudulently. In case of seller's non-cooperation, she can seek advice from local Citizens' Advice Bureau for legal action in small claims court and for further recovery action after the claim is allowed by the court. She can also approach Retail Motor Industry Federation, The Vehicle Builders and Repairers Federation or MVRA Ltd as 'A1' condition for the car may be a standard prescribed by t he trade for immaculate condition. Besides, section 14 of Trade Descriptions Act 1968 makes it an offence if false statement is made for the condition of the goods sold by the dealer. The local authority of trading standards department should also be approached for lodging her criminal complaint against the seller/dealer of the car. There is provision under section 75 of the Road Traffic Offences Act 1988 for making a complaint against the seller for selling an unsafe car.1 In Bartlett v Sidney Marcus (1952)2, Lord Denning had stated that in case of second hand cars, the buyer should be aware of the prospect of encountering defects any time after the purchase and hence should not buy without an express warranty as otherwise the buyer can not have any remedy in law. The consumer must apply the usability test by ensuring that car should be fit for the purpose that is to ride along the road. Earlier usability test to establish merchantable quality was being applied for second cars for their road worthiness rather than being wholly perfect for their use. In the
Monday, November 18, 2019
How can we help people who are living longer to live better Assignment
How can we help people who are living longer to live better - Assignment Example According to the World Health Organization, the eradication of non communicable diseases may be a factor in achieving this goal. It is by adjusting the lifestyle choices of most people that this is possible. It is also vital to note that physical activity plays a herculean role in enabling people live better lives. As people age, the body may not be as highly functional as it was in its prime years. However, by focusing on adjusting the mental acuity of most people in their prime years, it is possible to carry such an attitude toward their golden years. Offering care and support to those living longer is also a way to ensure that they get the attention they desperately need. It is often said that happiness may result in people living longer (Themer 2015, p. 73). In this case, it may improve the quality of life of an individual if they feel happy. By educating people on the benefits of physical activity, healthy lifestyle choices, and low stress factors, it is possible to ensure that people living longer also live better lives.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Household Appliance Engineering Report: Standing Fan
Household Appliance Engineering Report: Standing Fan Household appliances Engineering report Making of stand fan. Due date:24/03/2017 The introduction This report explores and examines the history and evolution of the stand fan detailing how they work and the materials used. The purpose of the report is to illustrate the functions and special features as well as to provide information about the social, environmental, sustainability and cultural connection that rose due to development and use of the stand fan. As the time progressed, technologies have drastically changed, the use of polymers and smaller sized powerful motors have allowed the stand fan to be lighter as well as improved performance and lowered the manufacturing cost when compared to heavy metals and bigger motors used in the past. a stand fan is a common household appliance used for cooling an area it is basically a traditional fan set on an adjustable pole which is attached to a base, it also contains at least 3 wind speed range. The earliest model of fans appeared during the 1800s it was basically a bipolar motor attached to a six-leaf shaped flat brass blades. These early fans were either a unique, or an expensive appliance, used in large offices or wealthy homes. The decade of 1910-1920 brought major changes. Around 1910, electric fans were being made for residential use, they had six wings and ran on slower speed and the cages were now made with steel due to lack of brass as well as the blades were rounded in shape and shrank from diameter of 8 down to 5. Description A stand fan is a common household appliance they are much more effective and popular than other table fans as it can be adjusted to move up and down as well as its head oscillates till 180 degree or remain steady pointing at one direction. A stand fan is just like a normal table fan but its set on an extendable pole which is attached to a base. It has three speed settings and an on off button usually named as 0. This type of fans is usually placed at a corner of the room or in an advantageous location to achieve greater cooling experience. 2.1 How it works Stand/pedestal fan works with the help of an electric motor. A motor consists of coil of wire wrapped around a metal center and when electricity is passed through this, it produces rotational motion and a hub/cap connects the motor with the metallic/plastic blade which circulates the air around, these blades are shaped on an angle which helps to carry air from one point to another. The control box contains four switches three to control speed and one to turn the fan on or off. The extendable pole can be used to increase or decrease the height of the fan. 2.2 Assembly Slide the 2-off base cross sections together. Remove the screws from the center of the base cross section, and then fasten the fan pillar in position. Now unscrew and remove the plastic retainer that locks the two support sections together slide over and fit the plastic base cover. Set the height of the extension pole and then lock into position with the plastic screwed retainer. Set the motor and switch control section over the extension pole and secure into position with the locking screw. Remove shaft protecting cover and unscrew guard retaining nut/hub/cap anti-clockwise and remove. Take the rear-guard section and slide it over the threaded screw on the fan body (make sure, the handle on the guard is facing upwards). Screw on the plastic nut/hub/cap to secure the rear guard in place. Push the blade on to the motor shaft until it reaches the stop. Screw on the blade retaining cap/hub/nut in a clockwise direction to secure the blade in position. Hook the front guard on to the rear-guard section at the top. Secure the two guard sections together with the clips around the edges. The screw and nut at the bottom of the grille MUST be fitted. Components Guard (rear and front grill) it is a metal netting used to protect fan blades from any physical contact this protects the fan from any damage as well as the user. Motor it is the heart of the fan as it converts the applied electrical energy into mechanical output energy. Blade these are the paddle shaped objects connected to the motor which spins and creates airflow Hub/cap it is a device which connects the fan blade with the motor. Extension pole this is the component that makes stand fan special, it allows the user to adjust the height of the fan according to their preference. Head support frame this component gives the stand fan its feature of tilting its head up or down. Switch box/ control box this is the component which contains the electric circuit and switches which controls the speed of the fan as well as turn it on or off. Component Material made from blades Polymer/aluminum Rear and back grill steel Extendable pole Polypropylene polymer/ metal Screws Metal (carbon steel/stainless steel) and plastic 3.1 Materials materials component Why it is used? Polymer/plastic -blades -Screws -Hub/nut/cap -switch -it is used because plastic would be more safer and cheaper than metals as well as it will decrease the weight of the fan. Metal (carbon steel/stainless steel) -extension pole -screw -guard (front and back grill) -it is used to make the product more durable Advantages and disadvantages 4.1 Advantage They are very easy to assemble also put them away when you are not using it as you can separate the components easily. You can move them around the house easily and put them in an advantageous location. Due to its extendable pole, you can adjust its height according to your preference. It is cheap and you can assemble it yourself. Theyre lightweight and can provide cool air over large area. They can be easily cleaned. 4.2 disadvantage Theyve less safety for children as they might stick their finger inside the grill. Cooling range is smaller. theres too much noise when the fan runs in higher speed. Impact on society This household appliance had a great impact on the society and peoples life. As before the invention of pedestal/stand fan there was only mechanical fans which required people to apply energy physically to cool the temperature or circulate air. When pedestal/stand, fan was invented it made peoples life way easier. During the early stage of the invention these fans were only used in big offices or wealthy homes but when refrigerated air was used in commercial buildings the fan makers focused more towards residential use. Then these types of fans started to appear at everyones home. The invention of pedestal/stand fan made life of the people more easier as they were cheaper and easy to assemble as well as it didnt need much maintainance. Conclusion The making of the stand fan and different materials used in the stand fan has been explored in this report. Pedestal/stand fan is usually made of polymers and metals like stainless steel, aluminum. They are more advantageous than other table or ceiling fans due to its extendable pole which allows the user to increase and decrease its height according to their preference and also because its cheaper than ceiling fans as well as it is easy to assemble.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
lord of the rings :: essays research papers
The Lord of the Flies William Golding’s book, The Lord of the Flies is a wonderful, fictional book about the struggle and survival of a group of boys trapped on an uninhabited island. This book kept me very interested and made me want to keep reading. The characters were very diverse and each had very appealing qualities in themselves. The setting is brilliantly described and the plot is surprisingly very well thought out. Many things like these make this book such a classic. Although there are not many characters in The Lord of the Flies, there are many different personalities and differences between them. The first character in the book is Ralph. Ralph is twelve years old with blond hair, and is the most charismatic of the group. He is described as being built "like a boxer," is somewhat charismatic and is chosen for chief, who makes it his job to lay down rules and try to organize a society. Throughout the novel he is always in conflict with Jack, who wants to be chief himself. Ralph and Piggy agree with each other’s ideas, but Ralph doesn’t realize how important Piggy really is to him until the very end of the novel. Although Ralph never reaches the understanding about the Beast that Simon does, he knows right from wrong. Jack is about Ralph's age, with a skinnier build and red hair. His freckled face is described as being "ugly without silliness." From the very beginning, he seems to harbor emotions of anger and savagery. At first, he is the leader of his choir group, who becomes hunters as the book progresses. Finally, his savage personality and ability to tell people what they want to hear allows him to overtake Ralph as chief. Jack does not believe that the Beast exists and is the leader of anarchy on the island. From the start of the novel he does not like abiding by rules of any kind. He simply wants to hunt and have a good time. Not seeming to care about being rescued, Jack and his tribe are examples of the Beast running rampant. In the beginning of the story Jack, still conditioned by the previous society he had been apart of, could not bear to kill a pig that was caught in the brush. As the plot progresses he becomes less and less attached to any societal norms.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Further Study
Advancing or furthering your ability to excel in your job or career is a smart reason for considering graduate education. The new skills and knowledge it gain as graduate education can improve my ability to do best work and better position to me for more opportunities for advancement in career. While a graduate degree does not automatically lead to a promotion in title, salary, or responsibility, it can be very personally, if not also professionally, rewarding. Hopefully my investment in yourself and in your graduate education will eventually pay off in both intangible and tangible ways.A graduate education can teach me more advanced skills and in-depth knowledge of an area outside my specialty, or provide a solid foundation in a completely new area, thus broadening the opportunities available to me in the job market. When i do degree, i offered the rare opportunity to see work which spearheads the frontiers of my field of study. Not only that, i also have a chance to gain hands-on e xperience in area of work and will be mingling with people who are usually either authorities in their respective fields and who are as passionate about my field of study.This helps to build a genuine community of learning. As you step into graduate school, it automatically helps me to narrow down my career goals by making them clearer to become more committed to my work. In general, graduate studies will help me to accelerate in career path. Advancing or furthering your ability to excel in your job or career is a smart reason for considering graduate education. The new skills and knowledge it gains as graduate education can improve my ability to do good work and better position to me for more opportunities for advancement in career.While a graduate degree does not automatically lead to a promotion in title, salary, or responsibility, it can be very personal, if not also professionally, rewarding. Hopefully my investment in yourself and in your graduate education will eventually pay off in both intangible and tangible ways. a graduate education can teach me more advanced skills and in-depth knowledge of an area outside my specialty, or provide a solid foundation in a completely new area, thus broadening the opportunities available to me in the job market.When I do a degree, I offered the rare opportunity to see work which spearheads the frontiers of my field of study. Not only that, I also have a chance to gain hands-awn experience in the area of work and will be mingling with people who are usually either authorities in their respective fields and who are as passionate about my field of study. This helps to build a genuine community of learning. As you step into graduate school, it automatically helps me to narrow down my career goals by making them clearer to become more committed to my work. In general, graduate studies will help me to accelerate in career path.Advancing or furthering your ability to excel in your job or career is a smart reason for conside ring graduate education. The new skills and knowledge it gains as graduate education can improve my ability to do good work and better position to me for more opportunities for advancement in career. While a graduate degree does not automatically lead to a promotion in title, salary, or responsibility, it can be very personal, if not also professionally, rewarding. Hopefully my investment in yourself and in your graduate education will eventually pay off in both intangible and tangible ways.A graduate education can teach me more advanced skills and in-depth knowledge of an area outside my specialty, or provide a solid foundation in a completely new area, thus broadening the opportunities available to me in the job market. When I do a degree, I offered the rare opportunity to see work which spearheads the frontiers of my field of study. Not only that, I also have a chance to gain hands-awn experience in the area of work and will be mingling with people who are usually either authorit ies in their respective fields and who are as passionate about my field of study.This helps to build a genuine community of learning. As you step into graduate school, it automatically helps me to narrow down my career goals by making them clearer to become more committed to my work. In general, graduate studies will help me to accelerate in career path. Advancing or furthering your ability to excel in your job or career is a smart reason for considering graduate education. The new skills and knowledge it gains as graduate education can improve my ability to do good work and better position to me for more opportunities for advancement in career.While a graduate degree does not automatically lead to a promotion in title, salary, or responsibility, it can be very personal, if not also professionally, rewarding. Hopefully my investment in yourself and in your graduate education will eventually pay off in both intangible and tangible ways. a graduate education can teach me more advanced skills and in-depth knowledge of an area outside my specialty, or provide a solid foundation in a completely new area, thus broadening the opportunities available to me in the job market.When I do a degree, I offered the rare opportunity to see work which spearheads the frontiers of my field of study. Not only that, I also have a chance to gain hands-awn experience in the area of work and will be mingling with people who are usually either authorities in their respective fields and who are as passionate about my field of study. This helps to build a genuine community of learning. As you step into graduate school, it automatically helps me to narrow down my career goals by making them clearer to become more committed to my work. In general, graduate studies will help me to accelerate in career path.Advancing or furthering your ability to excel in your job or career is a smart reason for considering graduate education. The new skills and knowledge it gains as graduate education can i mprove my ability to do good work and better position to me for more opportunities for advancement in career. While a graduate degree does not automatically lead to a promotion in title, salary, or responsibility, it can be very personal, if not also professionally, rewarding. Hopefully my investment in yourself and in your graduate education will eventually pay off in both intangible and tangible ways.A graduate education can teach me more advanced skills and in-depth knowledge of an area outside my specialty, or provide a solid foundation in a completely new area, thus broadening the opportunities available to me in the job market. When I do a degree, I offered the rare opportunity to see work which spearheads the frontiers of my field of study. Not only that, I also have a chance to gain hands-awn experience in the area of work and will be mingling with people who are usually either authorities in their respective fields and who are as passionate about my field of study.This help s to build a genuine community of learning. As you step into graduate school, it automatically helps me to narrow down my career goals by making them clearer to become more committed to my work. In general, graduate studies will help me to accelerate in career path. Advancing or furthering your ability to excel in your job or career is a smart reason for considering graduate education. The new skills and knowledge it gains as graduate education can improve my ability to do good work and better position to me for more opportunities for advancement in career.While a graduate degree does not automatically lead to a promotion in title, salary, or responsibility, it can be very personal, if not also professionally, rewarding. Hopefully my investment in yourself and in your graduate education will eventually pay off in both intangible and tangible ways. a graduate education can teach me more advanced skills and in-depth knowledge of an area outside my specialty, or provide a solid foundat ion in a completely new area, thus broadening the opportunities available to me in the job market.When I do a degree, I offered the rare opportunity to see work which spearheads the frontiers of my field of study. Not only that, I also have a chance to gain hands-awn experience in the area of work and will be mingling with people who are usually either authorities in their respective fields and who are as passionate about my field of study. This helps to build a genuine community of learning. As you step into graduate school, it automatically helps me to narrow down my career goals by making them clearer to become more committed to my work. In general, graduate studies will help me to accelerate in career path.Advancing or furthering your ability to excel in your job or career is a smart reason for considering graduate education. The new skills and knowledge it gains as graduate education can improve my ability to do good work and better position to me for more opportunities for adv ancement in career. While a graduate degree does not automatically lead to a promotion in title, salary, or responsibility, it can be very personal, if not also professionally, rewarding. Hopefully my investment in yourself and in your graduate education will eventually pay off in both intangible and tangible ways.A graduate education can teach me more advanced skills and in-depth knowledge of an area outside my specialty, or provide a solid foundation in a completely new area, thus broadening the opportunities available to me in the job market. When I do a degree, I offered the rare opportunity to see work which spearheads the frontiers of my field of study. Not only that, I also have a chance to gain hands-awn experience in the area of work and will be mingling with people who are usually either authorities in their respective fields and who are as passionate about my field of study.This helps to build a genuine community of learning. As you step into graduate school, it automatic ally helps me to narrow down my career goals by making them clearer to become more committed to my work. In general, graduate studies will help me to accelerate in career path. Advancing or furthering your ability to excel in your job or career is a smart reason for considering graduate education. The new skills and knowledge it gains as graduate education can improve my ability to do good work and better position to me for more opportunities for advancement in career.While a graduate degree does not automatically lead to a promotion in title, salary, or responsibility, it can be very personal, if not also professionally, rewarding. Hopefully my investment in yourself and in your graduate education will eventually pay off in both intangible and tangible ways. a graduate education can teach me more advanced skills and in-depth knowledge of an area outside my specialty, or provide a solid foundation in a completely new area, thus broadening the opportunities available to me in the job market.When I do a degree, I offered the rare opportunity to see work which spearheads the frontiers of my field of study. Not only that, I also have a chance to gain hands-awn experience in the area of work and will be mingling with people who are usually either authorities in their respective fields and who are as passionate about my field of study. This helps to build a genuine community of learning. As you step into graduate school, it automatically helps me to narrow down my career goals by making them clearer to become more committed to my work. In general, graduate studies will help me to accelerate in career path.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Compare and contrast the funeral speeches of Brutus and Antony Essay Example
Compare and contrast the funeral speeches of Brutus and Antony Essay Example Compare and contrast the funeral speeches of Brutus and Antony Paper Compare and contrast the funeral speeches of Brutus and Antony Paper Firstly, Brutus decides to make his speech first, which is a bog mistake, because the plebians will only really remember the last speech that was made, thus making Brutus speech less effective. Brutus would usually speak in a verse language, but in his speech he spoke in prose, to try and come down to the plebians level and he thinks that they will appreciate that. However, Antony speaks as he should, in verse and the plebians respect that and expect him to speak like that, so as soon Antony starts his speech, they already like it more than Brutus. Also the first sentence of each speech is significant. Brutus starts his speech with Romans, countrymen and lovers! . This is a great start to the speech because it shows how Brutus is equal to the plebians, and the plebians like to think that they are equal to someone as great as Brutus, and therefore are on Brutus side. However, Antony starts his speech and goes one better and starts his speech by saying Friends, Romans, countrymen . The most significant word is friends, it shows how he is fond of the plebians, and that he wants to be their friends. The plebians feel surprised, and overwhelmed by this, so straight away into Antonys speech, when they were on Brutus side just minutes before, the plebians are on Antonys side. Both of them use a rhetorical question in their speech, to challenge the plebians. Brutus asks Had you rather Caesar were living, and die all slaves, than that Caesar were dead, to love all free men? He then asks that if any of them want to be slaves, then stand up. By saying this he is challenging the plebians, and making it hard for them to disagree with him. In Antonys speech he asks I thrice presented him a kingly crown, which he did thrice refuse: was this ambition? Because the plebians dont understand why a person would turn down the crown if they wanted to be king, they believe that Caesar never wanted to be king. So when Antony asks this question, it questions them whether he really was as good as they thought? He then challenges Brutus speech by saying yet Brutus says he was ambitious. This challenges whether Brutus was right in what he said, and makes the plebians think twice about whether to believe him. Brutus speech is trying to persuade the plebians to be on his side, and to make them agree with what he says, by using rhetorical questions. Antonys, however, is to make them question whether Brutus was right.. He repeats himself a lot, saying that Brutus is an honourable man. This may seem that he is praising him a lot, but actually, by repeating it, he is taking the meaning out of it. So when the plebians first here him say it, they agree with him that Brutus is honourable, but after the last time he says it (which is a lot of times) they almost get sick of him saying that and start to disagree with the fact that Brutus is honourable, and therefore turning on Brutus. Brutus tries to make the fact that Caesar is dead a good thing, whereas Antony gradually builds his speech up, and makes it seem like a tragedy. He starts this off by coming up to do his speech with the coffin next to him, instantly making the plebians feel sad. He excuses himself saying he is too emotional, and pretends to cry, and this makes the plebians want to cry, so now they dont like the fact that Caesar is dead. He then finds Caesars will in his pocket, and pretends he didnt know it was there. The plebians shout for him to read it out, but he insists not. This just makes them want it to be read out even more. The will is almost a prop for Antonys speech, making it more effective, but Brutus had no such prop, making his speech less effective. Antony then agrees to read the will, and to make it even more effective, he makes them stand around the open coffin. This is like another prop for the speech, and when the plebians see the body, it makes them more emotional and makes them hate Brutus even more. Before he reads it, he builds it up. He tells them to prepare to cry, even though some already are. He trails where the blood was, describing his death. This makes the plebians really emotional, and makes them want to kill Brutus. They all shout to kill Brutus, but Antony stops them and tells them to stay. This part of the speech is very clever by Antony, as it turns them on Brutus, and makes them love him. Overall his speech is a lot more effective than Brutus. Brutus was effective at the time, but it didnt have a cutting edge to it. The fact that Antony went last also didnt help, because now the plebians will only remember his, and forget about Brutus. A director would tell Brutus to play the role as if Brutus were very confident. This is because he thinks he has gotten away with it, and that he has won the plebians over. He also has no idea that Antony will make such a good speech after him, he thinks that it will be a speech that will praise Brutus.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The Point of View in Porphyrias Lover by Robert Browning
The Point of View in Porphyrias Lover by Robert Browning 'Porphyria's Lover' is an exhilarating love story given from a lunatic's point of view. It is the story of a man who is so obsessed with Porphyria that he decides to keep her for himself. The only way he feels he can keep her, though, is by killing her. Robert Browning's poem depicts the separation of social classes and describes the 'triumph' of one man over an unjust society. As is often the case in fiction, the speaker of 'Porphyria's Lover' does not give accurate information in the story.The speaker is a deranged man who will stop at nothing to keep his dear Porphyria. Although the introduction refers to the weather, it also does an effective job in describing the speaker. In this case, it is nighttime, and the thunder is roaring. The speaker starts by saying: 'The rain set early in tonight,/The sullen wind was soon awake,/ It tore the elm-tops down for spite,/ And did its worst to vex the lake(Barnet 567):' This description gives the reader the first glimpse of what is yet to co me.English: 1881 caricature of Robert Browning: scann...These turbulent words help give the poem a gloomy feeling.When Porphyria arrives at the speaker's cottage, she is dripping wet. The speaker makes it an important point to describe her after her arrival. The description of the articles of clothing that Porphyria is wearing helps the reader know that Porphyria is from an upper-class family. She was wearing a cloak and shawl, a hat, and gloves. It is apparent that the speaker works for Porphyria's family. He lives in a cottage, somewhat distant from the main house. The cottage is cold until Porphyria warms up the room with her presence and by stirring up the fire. The way the speaker introduces Porphyria is very unique. He states that...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Strategic Planning for Digital Marketing CommunicationsSummative Essay - 1
Strategic Planning for Digital Marketing CommunicationsSummative Assessment - Essay Example Moreover, the UK economy has also witnessed the presence of too many small, medium, and large food and drinks setups in last few years. This is mainly because of the fact that an average UK resident spends 11.3% of his income on food and drinks. There is no doubt that hotels and restaurants have been benefitted by the tourists and locals making way for the success but this has also resulted in the severe competition. Moreover, with 40% of the service tax on the total amount charged by the restaurants and hotels; there is a bit of burden on them in order to be competitive along with being ahead in the value creation process to strengthen the economy (Pesto, 2013). Business Challenges- Customer’s Point of View In last two years, an average UK customer has been spending more than 12% of his income on foods and drinks showing the interest level. However, with unemployment at an alarming high and reduction in the disposable income of people mainly because of the economic and busine ss situations; the overall spending of customers might plummet and thus causing concern for the restaurants and hotel (Pesto, 2013). Furthermore, hotels and restaurants have to pay service tax that is 40% of the total amount charged and in order pay service tax along with being profitable, it become important to concentrate on economies of scale. From customers’ point of view, it can be assumed that there are moderate concerns that may not affect the overall spending on food and drinks for a long period of time. Industry Challenges- Market Competition The hotel and restaurant industry has been affected by the rising inflation, low disposable income of consumers, and service tax structure. Moreover, there are a number of restaurants and hotels offering similar food items. Rollers Cafe is not the only cafe offering delicious Swiss rolls with an in-house open kitchen sharing the recipe with consumers. The chocolate cafe and Hames chocolate cafe are also offering different variet ies of chocolates to consumers. Thus, it can he assumed that the competition is quite high as consumers like to eat things that are different in taste and presentation. In order to attract customers, it is important to offer food items at an affordable and attractive price and in the case of Rollers, prices of food items start from ?2 and can be considered as quite impressive. The competition in the food industry can be mitigated by offering quality products and in the case of Rollers, it can be said that with utmost transparency and customer oriented approach; it has been successful to create a place for chocolate lovers. However, it may face challenges in coming years if lacking differentiation strategies (Kotler and Philip, 2012). Industry Challenges- Customer Perception There is no doubt that chocolates are loved by many and customers tend to buy chocolates for no reasons. At the same time, customers buy chocolates for gifting and other purposes (Adcock, et al, 2001). The percep tion of customers regarding chocolates is very hard to analyse and assess considering the fact that different customers have different preferences. Chocolates are considered as a source of delight and customers do not compromise with the quality. However, when chocolates are presented in a different manner and forms; they are preferred and liked by many (Lotz, 2007). Thus, it becomes important to switch to a product differentiation s
Friday, November 1, 2019
Creating and Managing New Venture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Creating and Managing New Venture - Essay Example First, the individual who identifies the opportunity to pursue, secondly, the entrepreneur who seeks resources from the society and finally the society who acquires hidden resources in the form of risks and opportunities. Entrepreneurship is critical to enhancing the innovativeness and responsiveness of businesses, to boost productivity and to improve cost structures and trade performance. The entrepreneurial spirit provides the entrepreneur to uphold new opportunities in the form of new developing markets, new products, new methods of production and management, new marketing channels, the discovery of new inputs and the establishment of new businesses and even new organisational forms. Entrepreneurship equips the entrepreneur with the analysis of how new ideas or information for reconfiguring objects in the material and social world can be implemented thereby creating a new venture harnessed to enhance a nation's wealth. (Harper, 2003, p. 1) Creativity, problem solving, and decision making are three keys which are linked together to survive through a new venture successfully. Creative thinking produces outcomes that welcome problems whereas problems require problem solving response. The response calls for creative aspects; therefore we can say that problem solving is actually creativity. That means creativity and problem solving overlaps each other, thereby producing a creative idea that invokes problem solving and decision making. (Kirton, 2003, p. 136) New Initiatives - Opportunity Recognition A recent Academy of Management Review article stated, "We see the field of entrepreneurship in the light of examination in which opportunities are discovered and analysed in context with how, whom, and what. These highlight future goods and services under discovery and exploitation". (Shane and Venkataraman 2000:218). In contrast with this theory, Schumpeter (1942) described entrepreneurship in terms of creative destruction, whereby an innovation disrupts the equilibrium or status quo in the marketplace. Christensen et al. (1989) proposed a new definition of recognising opportunity in the light of entrepreneurship, according to which a new profitable venture can be initiated when a new business innovation is created or when an existing business is improved. Both the cases lead to a profitable venture. (Christensen et al. 1989:3). According to an OpR theoretical Model, opportunity recognition is inherently a creative process. (Welsch, 2003, p. 74) which in the eyes of Christensen et al. (1994) is nothing but a creative step towards the entrepreneurial process. Others have described OpR as the artistic creation of a new venture (Hills, 1995) particularly in the condition in which the opportunity continues to be processed on the basis of market feedback. Five basic elements of creativity that can fit into entrepreneurship according to Csikszentmihalyi (1996) are preparation (OpR initiation process which starts with the knowledge and expertise of the entrepreneur), incubation (Idea consideration), insight (cognitive evaluation of realising profitable opportunity), evaluation (Formation of insights into businesses), and elaboration (where insight is actualised). (Welsch, 2003, p. 75) The contemporary business environment based upon innovation is analysed in terms of increased risk, decreased ability to forecast, fluid firm and industry
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