Wednesday, January 30, 2019
How Mary Shelley creates a sense of horror in Frankenstein :: English Literature
How bloody shame Shelley creates a sense of horror in Frankenstein.FrankensteinIntroductionIn this essay, I will be writing well-nigh how Mary Shelley creates senseof horror in Frankenstein. Horror stories are commonly dark andsinister. They are also real mysterious. They mostly use ancestralbackground music and horrible settings to create a sense of horror.Mary Shelley creates a sense of horror through the characters,settings and the language. From the beginning of the story, theaudiences speculate that at that place was a reason behind VictorFrankensteins interest to the anatomy of science. A mind of moderate capacity, which closely pursues one record,Must infallibly arrive at great proficiency in that study.This creates a sense of horror because it suggests that Frankensteinis obsess with the subject. It isnt just a plain interest.After his m other(a) died, he was very upset and angry. He precious tocreate a living homophile being- bringing a dead body alive. He treasured todo something that no one else has done. This can be looked at, as a simile saying that, he wanted to make something that up to now naturehasnt even created.This creates a sense of horror because, people in the 19th deoxycytidine monophosphatewere very superstitious and believed that going against the naturemeans going against God, and thats the pound sin that can becommitted. Darkness had no effect upon my fancy.This creates a sense of horror because he was different from the otherpeople as well as the gracious characteristics. He had no fear of remnantor any superstitious belief. He appears as a somebody who would doanything because he is contending to himself as well as God.He wanted to create something that wouldnt have to follow theprocedure of life.I should attempt the human race of a being like myselfThis creates a sense of horror because it suggests that he wants tobreak the natural chain. He is willing to create a human like himselfbut it should live for eternity. He wants to prevent death. He wantedto succeed and arrive at great proficiency in that study.He finally decides to learn everything about human bodies and create ahuman creature from dead body parts so he started to make frameworkwith bones and organs as an experiment.Frankenstein collects most of the materials that he needs from thecharnel house where dead bodies are kept, and also goes to otherplaces that are associated death such as churchyards, the dissectingroom and the slaughterhouse.Churchyard was the receptacle of bodies deprive of life andThe dissecting room and the slaughter house furnished many of hismaterials. all told these settings creates a sense of horror because, its set in a
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Electoral College Of U.S.A Essay
The President and Vice-President of U. S. A ar being elect by a body of electors. The scripters of U. S Constitution explicate an indirect method for electing the President and Vice-President. This method is kn cause as the electoral College which scripter viewed that would end in informed, educated persons being selected to their nations tweet position. However, each political party in U. S. A picks up their own cadres to act as electors to elect the top leaders.Thus, presidential vistas have to unshakable majority votes in the electoral College for winning the election. In the U. S presidential election, voters do not vote for President or Vice-President directly tho pick up electors who are pledged to support their presidential candidates. from each one State in U. S. A has as many electors at is has U. S Senators which pull up stakes be normally two and U. S Representatives, the number will be depending upon the produces population. For instance, the District of Colombia is having three electoral votes.Those presidential candidates who have the virtually commonplace votes win all of the states electoral votes. This is recognized as the winner-take-all rule. (The Columbia Encyclopedia, 2007). The electors in each state will assemble in their legislative assemblies and vote for presidential candidate during the election time. Thus, each state testimony its electoral votes and forwards the results to the U. S Congress which counts the ballots. The counting will be carried over by the Senate and the household of Representatives and it will review the Electoral College votes.The candidate who obtains the majority of 270 Electoral College votes let on of total 538 wins despite of the outcome of the popular votes. In case, if there is a tie or if no candidate obtains a majority, then the brook of Representatives picks up the President and the Senate picks up the Vice President. Due to the concept winner-take-all dictum, it is realizable as it had ha ppened in the year 2000 election (bush v Al Gore), a candidate who win the popular vote and still lose the Electoral College.Dating from 1845, the federal law requires that electors must be chosen on the Tuesday following the first Monday in November and the counting of votes will be perused by the Congress on January 6. The Electoral College is vehemently attacked that it has to be reformed as it had given the country about 14 minority presidents. Thus, the following are the Presidents who had won the majority in the Electoral College even though they lacked nooky in obtaining popular vote. It is to be observed that among the above mentioned Presidents, only Harrison, convert and George W.Bush failed to obtain a plurality of the popular vote. The main account of the Electoral College placement is to give more recognition to the less mankind states on the basis of the number of a states electors on its senators and U. S representatives and to prevent the President to focus more attention to most populous states and on the problems significant to their voters. One of the main intentions of Electoral College is to occupy sure that most qualified candidate and not the most popular candidate would be chosen by electors on behalf of their states but by making an independent judgment.After the Twelfth Amendment, there were copious efforts to break the Electoral College and to alter the system of presidential election, but none of them has succeeded. George W. Bush popular-vote loss and victory in Electoral College with a thin perimeter in the year 2000 again triggered the support for annulment of Electoral College system as it lacks natural justice in deciding the victory of the presidential election.
Carmen Marinache Essay
Assuming complex businesses in which companion is part of organising logistics operations ( railway transference from station of departure to station of destination, reception of wagons at terminal station of destination, unload the cargo from wagons and loading it into trucks / handling, delivery up to the nodes terminal) organising special transports such as munitions transit in expedition via Romania organising cargo merchandises from Romania with guard protection on route organising oversized transportation, export fromRomania to different countries, which implies obtaining loading drawing from an authorised company, obtaining approval for transportation from the railways and infrastructure, yield CIM railway bills, coordinating the transport with foreign railways on traffic and obtaining alone necessary traffic permission by keeping in opinion with all our external partners, solving problems that might occur while transportation is performed organising exports f rom Romania to different countries from exCIS in special SZD wagons (wagons from CIS countries), obtaining all traffic permissions, keeping in tinct with clients and partners for a prompt solving of all difficult situations organising transportation of wagons on their own wheels as well as of locomotives participating to make-up of multimodal traffic Ex cargo coming by vessel, unloading nowadays or indirectly to wagons and customs clearance through a infant company specialised in port in such change of operations), railway transportation up to one station in Europe, unloading of cargo and delivery by trucks to consignee, etc. ?Keeping in contact with Accounting and Financial Dept. in order to mutually solve problems connect to the financial part of the business ? Based on the information standard from the Controlling Dept. , analysing and proposing to the decision maker Manager personal evaluation for personnel ? periodical analysing the activity of the Railway Dept. cal culating estimated operational profit, calculating the total tonnage, presenting the situations to Executive Director ? Contacting and visiting potential clients ? Taking part to set up of transport and freight forwarding contracts with Romanian and foreign clients/partners ? Representing the company within international exhibitions and fairs, in Romania and abroad, to Express Interfracht Holding own stand, and within conferences having as topic the improvement of railway transportation ? Issuing the documentation of company presentation and representing the company within different tenders opened by largish production companies in Romania, in order to choose logistic supplier.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Google Search Essay
What argon the companys paint resources and rivalrous capabilities? What agonistic liabilities and resource weaknesses does it shake off? What opportunities exist? What threats to its continued supremacy are present?The key resources and competitive capabilities of the search industry are due to the huge companys success. For instance, Google gains the trust of exploiters through reliable, stainless searches and a clear distinction of upfront advertisements in searches. Therefore, the online business users can do their work in minimum physical locations and lower fixed cost. These locations is amply utilized as they maximize the creativeness and being in high-spirit for their working environment. The employees are hired selectively amongst any(prenominal) of the greatest minds in engineering science and related fields, and are given the tools, freedom, and hike to be innovative and fulfilled by their job. Several iconic features of Google lie unparalleled, including the ir extensive Google Earth and Google Maps capabilities, archetypal YouTube video streaming, and Google Search Appliances that allow early(a) companies to feature Google search bars within their own sites.Being a leader in the search industries, Google is in addition has a few play of weaknesses. These could have serious implications on the future of their business as such the low revenue that is acquired from YouTube represents a lost opportunity for such a large online presence. Their grasp on the comprehensive hearty networking market is out-of-the-way(prenominal) behind those of their competitors. And while they remain an industry leader, their international reach in emerging markets such as China leave much to be desired and acquired.The rapid growth in search industries which revolving around technology and the Internet turns out of giving many opportunities to Google currently and in the penny-pinching future. For example, the Internet and mobile advertising growth lead the way for change magnitude importance of Search Engine Optimization for marketers. More data on users becomes more readily available using data collected from searches and Chrome. peradventure the most important up-and-coming necessity for innovative companies such as Google is the availability for users to have all of their discipline in one bill through cloud computing.Being in such a competitive and fast moving environment will comes together with the threats to the firms. Companies who are leadership in their industry in avenues Google has attempted to take, such as Facebook for social networking, Microsoft Office for word processing, and for detailed weather reports, make finding a stronghold in such ventures very difficult. Users who are already fully integrated are unlikely to switch, and may be hesitate to have their personal information in multiple locations. Cloud computing poses a serious threat to possible hacking and identity theft, since a singl e furbish up of login information could allow access to a multitude of facets of personal information.The estimable concern in the minds of many consumers regarding the ability of companies to track user showing habits hurts users trust in Google, and is characterized in the blocking habits of Explorer and Firefox. Without access to this information however, the full potential of selective online advertising cannot be reached. Google must(prenominal) also confront substitute services as they arise, so that their main competitive advantage in search specialization is not replicated. In addition, they must be aware of any intellectual property rights laws that may be passed in the near future so as not to block up onto the service they provide.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Package Comparison Materials
Packaging Materials relation/G. King 1 Packaging Materials Comparison George King 3141824 Date 24 Mar 2013 Dr. Carmen Mo consumptionl American Military University TLMT351 D001 learn 13 Introduction What ar advantages and disadvantages within the supply chain for a paper- found tape transport container, a wood-based shipping container and a plastic-based shipping container for use as a distribution package (a non-retail shipping package)? Advantages for exploitation paper-based shipping containers are due to the corrugated box macrocosm a sustainable, versatile, and whippersnapper material.The paper-based shipping container can be used for multitudes of intersections and can be make into a custom-manufactured shipping container for those products. Typically these containers are used for transporting a big range of goods such as packaged goods, produce, meat products, and etc. fold up box usages are good for the environment due to it being both(prenominal) reusable and recyc lable. The paper product can be compostable which will be good for the environment since it will non end up in a landfill if properly handled.Since the product is biodegradable it is better for the environment. 1 discriminate for using paper-based shipping containers are due to the paper product climax into contact with outside elements such as being susceptible with moisture weather conditions such as rain and snow. Stacking for wide periods of time are not good since over time they will lose their plaster bandage without some sort of pallet or contour structure include into the design. 1 ? Advantages for using a wood-based shipping container is due to the sturdiness of the product for protect the contents supercharge.Having a wood container available will allow for it to be exposed to harsh climate changes and rough handling. woodwind is less in all likelihood to fall apart due to outside elements and easier for movement in and more or less the warehouse. These container s are normally built for heavy products since strength is ask for despicable heavy loads. Wood boxes are also needed when stacking heavy loads. The wooden crates can be easily transported in and around distribution centers at a time skids are attached to the bottom for forklift accessibility, unlike boxes where a pallet is needed for movement.Modification to wood crates or containers can be easily modified with doors and ramps making it easy to move items in and out. They are also eco friendly for being able to use the wood crates more than once. 2 ? Disadvantage to using wood is that crates can shrink to extreme temperatures within they can get too cold and or too hot depending on location. haughty temperature is an issue. Also, having free space for stacking and moving wood crates can be hazardous. Wood also begins to wear out if utilized multiple times.Pests are an issue, meaning termites may have a field day when wood is exposed over time. Pathogens are of some concern as food inside containers could be exposed to bacterium E. coli and salmonella. 2 ? Advantages for using plastic based shipping containers are normally seen with the use of drums. These containers are high in molecular weight and density polyethylene. They can withstand temperatures and are wearing resistant. They can be used for both food and chemicals. Plastic drums are self supporting and can be used horizontally or vertically.Plastic can be easily molded into the contents of the product for further securing of the product. Handles can be installed for ease of movement. The imagination can run for a long time for molding your requirement. They can store just about anything. Many industries use plastic containers for warehouse operations, because they come in banging sizes and they are stackable. Plastic is durable, cost effective, and can last for a long time. 3 ? Disadvantages of using plastic containers are that they hold smells of past transported product therefore it is expe nsive to clean plastic.Plastic can also be a health issue. Plastic is not bio degradable and many companies will not reprocess plastics. When thinking of using plastic for different tasks then it may not be the best option. 4 References 1. Website, http//www. internationalpaper. com/US/EN/Products/Transport/ShippingContainers. hypertext markup language 2. Website, http//www. container-transportation. com/shipping-container-housing. html 3. Website, www. usplastic. com/catalog/item. aspx? itemid=22827&038catid=459 4. Website, http//www. ehow. com/info_8562652_advantages-disadvantages-plastic-containers. html
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Written Analysis and Communication (WAC) †Assignment
1.Situation AnalysisHolmesafe Ltd.s business has been growe steadily, with profits and customer base increasing year on year. Increasing demand of informatory services resulted in additional fee income for the company and amend its convergence support. As a result of this growth, the company has recently expanded by adding new premises, signing new contracts and recruiting full time employees.Holmesafe Ltd.s largest client is Dawsons Ltd. Dawsons has been a loyal customer and is much cute being the companys very first client. Frank capital of Mississippi, the headway buyer at Dawsons was offered directors post owing to the support provided by him during the initial phase of the company. However, Jackson refused the offer later on considering the advice from his supervisor, Harry Thomas, who raised concerns about conflict of interest.Mid-way through Holmesafe Ltd.s champion year of operation, George Holmes, the founder of the company received a phone cry out from Jackson in forming him that he was under pressure to evaluate the misadventure of shifting Dawsons business to another supplier (Browns). According to Jackson, Browns had improved their manufacturing methods and were extremely competitive and very reliable. In the same conversation, he similarly expressed his personal need to generate additional income and sought Holmess advice on how to go about doing so.George Holmes requested for some time and roofy up a lunch meeting next Saturday to discuss the matter.2.ProblemPossible redness of business from Dawsons Ltd. and threat of competition from Browns (and possibly other companies).3.OptionsA.Retain Dawsons Business B.Let go of Dawsons Business C.Expand Market (Reduce reliance on Dawsons)4.Evaluation CriteriaI.Adverse trespass to revenue enhancement II.Adverse impact to Referrals /New Business (owing to negative reputation) iii.Adverse impact to Business Plan (for the future)6.RecommendationBased on the above evaluation, it is recommended t hat Dawsons business must be retained. Expansion of market will not have as much impact to business as the impact the other options will.7.Action PlanA.Meet Jackson with a proposal toI. Improve the existing pricing and service toll in order to retain the business, and thereby make a restoration offer to what the competitor Browns seem to have provided to Dawsons.II. Offer a revenue share to Jackson as an additional incentive for helping celebrate a long standing relationship and being Holmess close valued client.8.Contingency PlanEngage directly with Harry Thomas in case the engage with Frank Jackson is not struck. As Jacksons supervisor, this whitethorn be an alternative recourse for the company in order to help retain the business.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Transforming the Influence of the Media on our Lives
Our tendency in this publication is to help our readers lay a foundation for transforming the knead of the media on their lives. It is in all of our interests to critically assess, rather than mindlessly accept, word of honor media pronouncements. Our hope is that we can aid readers to become more independent, insightful, and critical in responding to the content of news media messages and storiesIf objectivity or fairness in the twist of news stories is thought of as equivalent to expressing all the facts and only the facts ( completely the news thats fit to print), objectivity and fairness is an illusion.No kind knows more than a small percentage of the facts and it is not possible to hand all the facts (even if one did know them). It isnt even possible to present all the important facts, for many criteria compete for determining what is impor- tant. We must and then always ask,What has been left out of this article? What would I think if divergent facts had been highlighted here? What if this article had been written by those who hold a stage of view opposite to the one embedded in the story as told?For example, people commonly consider facts to be important to the extent that they extradite operative implications for them personally Is any given event going to arrogate what they want, how much is it going to cost them, how is it going to influence their income, their living conditions, their leisure, their widget? How some given event is going to affect others, especially others cold away and out of sight, is quite another matter. There is therefore a large divergence among the news media of the world as to what is presented as significant in the world.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Identity: Filipino Psychology Essay
?Introduction Identity, what is Identity? It answers the question who am I? it king appear to be almost personality the sort of person I am. That is only part of the story. Identity is different from personality in master(prenominal) respects. We may sh be personality traits with different mickle, but sharing an privateism suggests some active engagement on our part. Identity appears in the feature article of a person, every one of us has its identicalness without it who be you? most peoples personal identicalness is rich because if their money some notorious because there dangerous and some are funny because of their sense of humor.You what is your identity? As a Filipino I have a identity of a Pinoy. Filipino identity is defined in its origin, civilisation, language, religion and separate(a) characteristics that distinguish it from other groups. A typical Filipino is usually describe by outsiders as inconsolable skinned, flat nosed, short people from Philippines who tattle either in Tagalog or Taglish, and is a Christian. Other descriptions of Filipinos are rice-lovers, hardworking, family-oriented, and nowadays, a domestic helper. Young Filipino is known as being late, with the manyana habbit, well up-off go lucky but all of the Filipino starve for the trump out in life.The Philippines may be described as a commonwealth in search of its identity. Because of the long pre bank line of the colonizers, the Filipinos have become so westernized that it has lost its own identity. Philippine identity has long been an issue among anthropologists and other nations because of the many resemblance and similarities of its culture to other cultures, like those of Spanish, American, and neighboring Asiatic cultures. Filipino culture, being a melting pot of many cultures makes it trying for the Filipinos to assert their own identity.Three hundred years of Spanish occupation in the Philippines influenced a lot in the culture resulting to Philippine music, optical styles, dishes, vocabulary and social customs being considered unoriginal by the outsiders. And because we Filipinos are not really English speaking people, they become anxious about their identity when faced with foreigners. Also, when we Filipinos are being exposed to the world by media, the image being portrayed by the foreigner is of being tribal or being associated to tribalism.This resulted to us Filipinos not having pride for their own culture. ? eubstance of the Paper A Filipino is one of a kind when it comes to identity, separately one of us has is identity tells us who is who and what kind of person are we. Is there really a Filipino identity to others? A glance of our historical past will surely reveal who the Filipinos really are, even so due to external factors like technological advancements and colonial influence, the true consequence of being a Filipino now reaches the point where it is slowly degrading.Evidently, our chatoyant history truly defi nes our identity as a Filipino, but as I said earlier, changes threatened this identity. Let us consider for physical exertion our national flag which is the symbol of our nationality. This rectangular piece of cloth identifies us being a Filipino. Knowledge of these symbols is not enough to identify yourself as a Filipino. What really matters most is our culture. Culture is our identity. Filipino cultural determine are widely-held beliefs which make some activities, relationships, goals and feelings important to us Filipino peoples identity.Filipino is usually described by outsiders as dark skinned, flat nosed, short people from Philippines who speak either in Tagalog or Taglish, and is a Christian. Other descriptions of Filipinos are rice-lovers, hardworking, family-oriented, and nowadays, a domestic helper. And now a days Filipino influence a lot to golf-club like in music, food, philosophy, art, religion and in culture, We Filipino preserve our culture very well as you can se e our traditions and culture is static alive and we still doing it. Filipino is doing great to our human nature.We Filipino contributed a lot to this world, A Filipino invented Fluorescent light and you could see them or so the world inside the offices, nuclear plants, NASA, hydroponic, inside the buildings, airports, hospitals, everywhere around the world. We gave lights to the entire world and Filipino invented the Fluorescent. In sports a Filipino holds the record on championship titles in boxing. Filipino identity now has pride in it, never give up, thats the true Filipino identity it contributes well in our society.Filipino set is one of the most important identity about us, Filipino identity of a person or an individualist known as the Filipino, the Filipino value system are ground to possess inherent key elements of value system which includes their own odd assemblage of consistent ideologies, moral codes, ethical practices, etiquette, and cultural and personal values that are promoted by their society. As with any society though, the values that an individual holds sacred can differ on the basis of religion, upbringing and other factors. Conclusion.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
History of Israel Essay
For thousands of years, the sm any let down of Israel has been the site of countless wars between people who claim, for many different reasons, the down as their own. The struggle persists up to this day, and blood go forwards to run off over what the world considers its divine Land. Israels biblical Past When virtuoso wishes to look at Israels history, it is important to study Israels Biblical account.This precious volume recounts Israels roots, her period of slavery in Egypt, her beginnings as separate tribes in the Promised Land, and the uniting of these tribes chthonic a monarchy. Wood, 1986, p. 3) Fortunately, Biblical accounts of Israel be supported by archaeological data, which deposits the information in the Bible historically valid and reli able-bodied. Israel is the chosen land for the chosen people. From the Bible, we see that this land was promised by graven image as reward for Abrahams faithfulness and obedience to His word. Abraham is considered the induce of the Jewish Nation, and his descendants were the direct beneficiary of Gods agreement with him.However, the journey to the Promised Land would non be easy it was wrought with so much pain and sacrifices. For quite a long time, the descendants of Abraham were slaves to the Egyptians. Still, they held on to Gods word, and when they were finally freed from slavery by Moses, they began their exodus from Egypt into the Canaan, the land that God has chosen for them. After a generation of wandering, the Jews finally arrived at Canaan. There, they specifyd as separate tribes, just was eveningtually unified under(a) one pouf.Israels first king was Saul, but his greatest king was David. After a succession of kings, Israel was banished by God because of their sins. Muslims came to invade the land claiming it as their spiritual land as well. Thus, the Jewish nation doomed their Promised Land erst again. The Diaspora Since the time that the Jews bemused Israel, they have been scattered all over the world. This dispersion is called the Diaspora, and has deeper meanings than mere physical separation or migration to otherwise places.This Diaspora is meant to remind the Jews that they are meant to be together in Israel as God intended them to be. Thus the desire to return to their spiritual land abides even after thousands of years of Diaspora. This longing to return to Israel is made more subacute by the persecution of Jews in almost every place they go. While on that point were isolated pockets of stability, the attempt to settle elsewhere was generally a failure, and they took this as a sign that it is time to return home. The Homecoming A snow years after the crusades, Jews began to return to Israel in small trickles.Israel then was under Muslim rule, as it has stood when the Crusades failed to retake the land from them. During this time Israel was called Palestine to make the distinction between Jewish Israel. For hundreds of years the Jews made their slow r ack homecoming, strengthened only by their faith in God that He shall soon restore them to their land. Slowly over many generations, the number of Jews continue to grow. This Jewish homecoming was encouraged by the internal rift deep down the Ottoman Empire.On one side, the Ottoman Empire was fighting the rebellious Bedouins, while fending off challenges to the legitimacy of the Ottoman State. (Lewis, 1996, p. 333) Gradually, these internal conflicts weakened the once mighty empire. Within the first decade of the twentieth century, the empire lost all of its territories, including Israel, their crown jewel. Thus, the Ottoman Empire was no more. Finally by the end of the nineteenth century, the population of Jews in Palestine was big copious to exert some pressure over Palestine.In 1897, the First Zionist Congress was convened. This Congress formally state the intention to establish a Jewish state within Palestine that will be recognize by the international community. This move was supported by Britain and the United States, who say their favor over the creation of an independent Jewish state. However, the declaration did not find steam as the influx of Jews slowed down in the primordial twentieth century. The resurgence came in the 1940s when the Holocaust killed millions of Jews in Europe.This awing horror wrought upon the Jews solidified their resolve to build their own hoidenish and galvanized support from the international community. After World War II, the United Nations declared that Palestine be split in two, one for the Arabs and one for the Jews. As expected, the Arab world raised their objections against the division. Violence erupted immediately after this announcement and move unabated until David Ben-Gurion, in accordance with the UN variance Plan, declared independence for the Jewish nation and the creation of the State of Israel in May 14, 1948.The blessed Wars regenerate after the creation of the Israeli state, neighboring Arab cou ntries surrounded Israel and attacked them from all sides. With rank(a) resolve to defend their homeland, the fledgling nation with an inexperienced army was able to repel the invading forces. In fact, the Jewish army went so far-off as advancing their forces, and occupying territories outside their mandated boundaries this includes most of the land allocated for the Arabs under the Partition Plan, and half of Jerusalem which was supposed to be a UN-controlled city.A ceasefire was successfully negotiated with current occupation defining the new boundaries of Israel. As a give of the Arab invasion, Israel now straddles a land much bigger than what was given to them in the UN Partition Plan. Hundreds of thousands of refugees from both fronts resulted from this war of Israeli independence. The Jewish refugees who have been expelled from Arab lands continue to flock to Israel, while Arab refugees displaced by the Israeli territory continue to settle along the border in UN-sanctioned refugee camps.Even up to this day, Jews and Arabs trapped in the conflict pray for safe passage. The Promise of Israel Arabs and Jews stare at distributively other across the border in an uneasy truce. Even up to this day, lasting peace is an elusive dream as extremists from both sides threaten war at any time. Israel has created a deep and far-r individuallying conflict that affects the intact world. Arab terrorists attack the United States and Britain for being staunch allies of Israel, and the United States, in retaliation, is now holding a war in Iraq. And the violence goes on.That the Holy Land of Israel shall be the site of such violence is indeed valet de chambres collective tragedy. Where the story of Israel shall take us, we can never know, but this much I am sure of the war over the Holy Land will never stop until we find it in our paddy wagon to forgive and accept one another. Perhaps it is the fate of a elect Land to never find peace until humanity makes peace with each another. The promise of the Holy Land is the promise of peace, and it is incumbent upon us to convey that promise to its final fulfillment.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Is human aggression in born Or a learned behavior Essay
? Introduction All of science, including clinical science, begins with observation. The actualiseing and modulation of offensive impulsive bearing has been no exception. Even before Hippocrates attempt to restrict personalities, we stomach observed and grouped behaviours and thusly proceeded to study and attempt their manipulation. Webster defines combativeness as a forceful action or procedure (as an unmotivated attack) especially when int demiseed to dominate or master. It is this classification and description thot against which has guided the research and clinical modulation of human obstreperous behavior utilizing living creature models of belligerence. (Coccaro, 2003, p. 1) Define belligerence (Hostile ill depart and instrumental onset) The underlying antedate of the study of phenomena, (things as they argon perceived, as the nature of things as they are) of aggressive behavior is that such aggressive behavior is non uni variety but despite its disparity idler be grouped according to reliable externally observable characteristics. Moreover, the utility of such descriptive grouping provides the companionable organization that leads to a clearer sympathy of these phenomena and affords a means to manipulate behaviors.The study in conclusion provides an understanding of behavior in the human condition. Said anformer(a) manner, animal models of invasion tell us which interrogative sentences to ask ab out human aggression and which biological systems to study in the human animal. (Coccaro, 2003, p. 2) Analyses investigating the relationships amidst the cardinal unalike types of aggressive rejoinders and psychiatric diagnoses found that both aggressive children with help Deficient Dis purchase order and aggressive children without Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) utilized instrumental aggressive responses more than frequently than the normal controls.However, children with ADHD and aggression were more seeming to utilize hostile aggressive responses than the aggressive children without ADHD, indicating a connection in the midst of impulsivity and hostile aggression. (Atkins et al, 1993, p. 165) Key aggressive behavior was associated with goal-directed behavior, in which there is slightly benefit or gain to the aggressor or aggressive action. In contrast, hostile aggression was perceived as an attempt to bring on pain to the victim, with no autarkical gain.Aggressive children with ADHD were more possible to demonstrate hostile aggressive behavior on an analog proletariat than aggressive children without AD/HD, suggesting that impulsivity plays a role in hostile aggression as well as in ADHD. (Coccaro, 2003, p. 270) In comparison, instrumental aggression is more thoughtful (premeditated), is less clear up ones mindd by anger, and accustoms aggression as a means to obtain a goal (e. g. , power) quite a than as an end in itself. Despite this distinction in the literature, measur es of aggression rarely differentiate between the two types.This is likely, in part, due to the difficulty in distinguishing between purely instrumental and purely impulsive acts. It has been suggested that approximately aggressive acts whitethorn pee both impulsive and instrumental components, and that this dichotomy should be abolished. However, other(a) studies have suggested that this distinction is valid and that separate neurological substrates may be involved in the two types of aggression. (Coccaro, 2003, p. 171) In the laboratory, instrumental aggression may be the most artificial.Constructive and pessimistic support is utilized to charm and increase the frequency of aggressive behavior. Since aggressive behavior, which affords dominance, can be positively reinforcing, instrumental aggression can be linked with other forms of aggression such as inter-male aggression. (Coccaro, 2003, p. 3) Theories of aggression Among the assortment of human actions that are the c apable of attention, none has aroused deeper concern than mans aggressiveness. Though aggression has always been an important social concern, developments during the past few decades have fully justified increased interest.With the progressive growth of instruments of destruction, simple aggressive acts can produce widespread disastrous consequences. The hazards of ill-judged actions have indeed befit enormously magnified. Mans aggressive potential has also been increased, on an individual basis of expanding destructive accouterments, by changes in the social conditions of life. (Bandura, 1973, p. 1) The grouping of theoretical approaches into mixed categories (i. e. , sense, impel, matching, and social learning) uses the major furiousness of each theoretical notion as a sorting criterion.It is hoped that this categorization facilitates the overview. It should be kept in mind, however, that the respective(a) theories are not necessarily confined entirely to the receives s uggested by their kinsperson heading nor are they fully independent of one another. Drive theories of aggression, for example, involve learning considerations, and the learning of aggression to some extent involves considerations of drive. (Zillmann, 1979, p. 114) The explicit use of the drive concept has become comparatively rare.The concept of arousal, on the other hand, seems to have become successively more popular. In one way or another, all contemporary theories of aggression try to explain the phenomenon in terms of an interaction of cognition and arousal. The student of this topic may thus readily come to the conclusion that the theories are very similar, at least as far as arousal is concerned. Such an impression is kinda erroneous, however. Confusion a advancements from the fact that the concept of arousal is used very by and large and assumes different meanings in different theoriesoccasionally even in the alike(p) theory. (Zillmann, 1979, p. 168) Differences between theories show some distinction in the relative emphasis they place on the conditions that are produced. This phenomenon has special significance for theories of aggression because, distant most mass movements, it represents revolt by advantaged rather than by deprived segments of society. (Bandura, 1973, p. 231) It is doubtful that the instinctual drive theories of aggression are capable of a posteriori verification. around of them are formulated in such broad terms that they do not generate specific predictions that could be put to experimental tests. When a non-measurable instinctual force is combined with many qualifying factors that are also jolly elusive, the theory can explain any variety of events that have already happened, though it cannot predict them. The post-dictions, of course, are compatible with alternative theories that do not invoke the operation of an innate aggressive drive. (Bandura, 1973, p. 14) Is aggression inborn (Instinct theory)Lombrosos (historical figure in modern criminology, and the founder of the Italian School of positivistic Criminology) announcement that biology was the whole important factor in causation crime eventually set off a firestorm of controversy. However, Lombroso was not the solo person who believed that biology was the most important factor influencing behavior. Around the maturate of the century, as today, the major discipline examining human behavior was psychology. At that time, most psychologists, like Lombroso, were convinced of the primary importance of genetic influences and did not question the idea that criminal behavior was inborn. (Englander, 2003, p. 56) The ego has been differentiated from the id through the influence of the external world, to whose demands it adapts. In so adapting it has to reconcile the forces of the id and super-ego in such a way as to maximize pleasure and minimize un-pleasure. The development of ego-psychology as a branch of psychoanalysis, which reflected a shift o f interest from the earlier instinct theory to the adaptive functions of the ego, in relation to other persons especially, facilitated some balancing between psychoanalysis and psychology. (Gregory, 1998, p.211).The most well-known proponents of the theory (Sigmund Freud, and Konrad Lorenz) have pen in German, and the so called instinct theory, accordingly, should rather be labeled the Trieb-theory. (Fry et al, 1997, p. 28) The appressed way to describe what Trieb really means is that it implies an innate drive, functioning in accordance with the so called reservoir model. The drive is triggered by internal rather than external stimuli, examples being the hunger, thirst, and sexual drives. Biological influences ( Neural influences, genetic influences, biochemical influences).Psychologists concerned with perceptions in world(a) seem to be working along very different lines. With the exception of those dealing mainly with the biological thoughts of wound up states, their atten tion is focused largely on peoples reports of how their delirious feelings and/or actions came about. Unfortunately for both groups, there isnt very often communication between them, and they do not read and consider as much of each others research literature as they should. (Srull, 1993, p. 2) It is becoming increasingly common to treat emotions (anger, fear, love, etc.) as higher order entities created or constructed out of more elementary components. A central trouble for any theory of emotion, and so, is to clarify the principles according to which emotions are organized. Biological principles (information encoded in the genes) play a role so, too, do psychological principles. The critical empirical question here is whether one sees different emotional states as incorporating fundamentally indistinguishable physiological responses. (Srull, 1993, p. 91) It has been assumed by scholars that there are incontestable differences at the physiological, neural and even muscular di rect between different emotions.Is aggression a response to frustration (frustration-aggression theory revised) A bite of predictions that follow from the social learning formulation differ from the traditional frustration-aggression hypothesis. It will be recalled that drive theories of aggression assume that frustration arouses an aggressive drive that can be reduced only through some form of aggressive behavior. Frustration, in this view, is a necessary and sufficient condition for aggression. The divers(prenominal) events subsumed under the omnibus term frustration have one feature in commonthey are all in varying degrees. (Bandura, 1973, p.53) Attempting to make a connection with the displacement of emotions in psychoanalytic theory gives rise to the reformulation of the frustration-aggression hypothesis. Within academic research circles, it drew theoretical attention to this aspect of human aggression by incorporating rules for the redirection of hostility from the provoker to substitute targets. (Knutson, 1994, p. 89) rebuke of the frustration-aggression hypothesis focused at original on the nature of responses to frustration. Anthropologists pointed out that in some cultures aggression was by no means a typical response to frustration.Researchers in the early and mid 1940s demonstrate that young children were inclined to regress rather than to aggress when frustrated. Other critics argued that only some kinds of frustration evoke aggressive behavior and that other forms do not. (Bandura, 1973, p. 52) Is aggression learned social behavior An understanding of this energetic interaction between our species legacy, brain functioning, and learned culture is crucial if we are to understand human social behavior, personality and human nature in general. accustomed that our species heritage and neuro-humoral functioning are difficult, if not impossible, to understand apart from evolutionary theory, it is evident that the second new Darwinian revolution must yield fruition prior to a full maturing of the social sciences. (Bailey, 1987, p. 37).Moreover, they both let out powerful effects of rearing conditions, social interactions, and learning that modify the level of aggressive behavior in the selected lines, regardless of genetic background. The similarities in outcomes have been striking in the light of the separate establishment and evolution of the investigations for more than 2 decades.The confirmation seemed especially important because the findings had independently challenged widely held assumptions on the relations between development, genes, and social behavior. (Cairns et al, 1996, p. 43) Rewards of aggression The opportunity to behave aggressively can be used to reinforce learning if that opportunity is provided in situations that normally elicit aggression. Electrodes attached to inflict tail shock produces involuntary aggression in monkeys. These animals will also learn a orbit pulling response in order to obtai n a canvas-covered nut chance that they may bite.If pigeons are rewarded with food for pecking a key, they will learn the response quickly. If the reward is suddenly terminated, the birds will behave aggressively. During this period, they will also learn to peck a key that produces another bird that can then be attacked. (Moyer, 1987, p. 33) Child ridicule and neglect is a widespread social problem that affects all types of family structure and all segments of the population, regardless of individual differences in cultural background, geographic location, or economic status.(However, as discussed in afterwards sections, some groups are at greater risk of child abuse and neglect than others. For example, the poor, uneducated, and young have been considered most vulnerable). (Jackson et al, 1991, p. 5) Many so-called instinctual behaviors may contain a large learning component even in the common patterns displayed by members of a species. notice learning is a mind means of ac quiring new response patterns in animals and humans alike. Observation learning may play an especially important role in species that are highly susceptible to imprinting.This is a run wherein young takings develop a strong attachment to, and rapidly learn general characteristics of the model to which they were first exposed during a developmentally sensitive period. (Bandura, 1973, p. 27) It appears that some response patterns are transmitted during the period impressionable access. The relationship of a close social attachment to a role model greatly improves the ability to observe. Huesmann LR and Miller LS, (Long-term effects of repeated exposure to media emphasis in childhood. In Aggressive BehaviorCurrent Perspectives, ed.LR Huesmann, pp. 153-86. New York Plenum 1986, 1998,) proposed that when children observe violence in the mass media, they learn aggressive scripts. Scripts define situations and guide behavior The person first selects a script to represent the situation a nd then assumes a role in the script. Once a script has been learned, it may be retrieved at some later time and used as a guide for behavior. This approach can be seen as a more specific and detailed ac librate of social learning processes. (Anderson et al, 2002, p. 27) Influences of aggression.The first thing to be said about animals is that we should be cautious in drawing lessons from them to explain our own behavior, given the mediating force of culture and our substance for reflection. Our kinship with other animals does not mean that if their behavior seems often to be under the influence of instincts, this must necessarily also be the case in humans, says anthropologist Ashley Montagu. He quotes one authority who has written There is no more reason to believe that man fights wars because fish or beavers are territorial than to think that man can fly because bats have wings. (Kohn, 1988, p. 34) Scripted patterns of functioning, non conscious influence of goals and behaviora l plans, and a variety of adjective rules guiding behavior, particularly in socio-cultural contexts, (none of which may find representation at a conscious level,) and none of which can be attributed to unconscious emotion related dynamics of coping in society. CONCLUSION attack is a social behavior that is only modestly understood. Although a full understanding of human aggressive behavior will certainly still bring researchers and clinicians to examine aggressive behavior continuously.Although biopsychosocial models of aggression have been proposed and tested, these have particular utility for explaining aggression in the general case. Research on the interference of aggression lags behind basic research, and has relied largely on the traditional biomedical model for knowledge development and application. (Coccaro, 2003, p. 72)Awareness and understanding of the social context border knowledge development for aggression may help guide rising research efforts and clinical prac tice. In conclusion, the approach of this paper suggests further independent examination of the motives for affects and actions.Throughout the presentation, supports the formulations of new and innovative theories for further research. In essence, when we as humans encounter one another we can usually process all the relevant information in a considered fashion and count on the principle alone to steer us correctly. Reference(s) Emil F. Coccaro, 2003, Aggression psychiatrical Assessment and Treatment. Publisher Marcel Dekker. mall of publication New York. rascal flesh 1. MS Atkins, DM Stoff,1993, Instrumental and hostile aggression in childhood disruptive behavior disorders. J Abnorm Child Psychol 21165-178.Albert Bandura, 1973, Aggression A Social Learning Analysis. Publisher Prentice-Hall. regulate of Publication Englewood Cliffs, NJ. rascal fleck 1. Dolf Zillmann, 1979, Hostility and Aggression Publisher Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. base of Publication Hillsdale, NJ. pa geboy exit 114. Elizabeth Kandel Englander, 2003, Understanding Violence. Publisher Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. tush of Publication Mahwah, NJ. Page Number 56. Richard L. Gregory, 1998, The Oxford Companion to the Mind. Publisher Oxford University Press. Place of Publication Oxford. Page Number 211.Douglas P. Fry, Kaj Bjorkqvist, 1997, heathenish Variation in Conflict Resolution Alternatives to Violence Publisher Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Place of Publication Mahwah, NJ. Page Number 28. Thomas K. Srull, Robert S. Wyer Jr. ,1993, Perspectives on yellow bile and Emotion. Publisher Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Place of Publication Hillsdale, NJ. Page Number 2. John F. Knutson, Michael Potegal, 1994, The dynamics of Aggression Biological and Social Processes in Dyads and Groups. Publisher Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Place of Publication Hillsdale, NJ. Page Number 89.Kent G. Bailey, 1987, Human Paleopsychology Applications to Aggression and Pathological Processes. Publisher Lawr ence Erlbaum Associates. Place of Publication Hillsdale, NJ. Page Number 37. Robert B. Cairns, David M. Stoff, 1996, Aggression and Violence Genetic, Neurobiological, and Biosocial Perspectives. Publisher Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Place of Publication Mahwah, NJ. Page Number 43. K. E. Moyer, 1987, Violence and Aggression A physiological Perspective. Publisher Paragon Press. Place of Publication New York. Page Number 33. Jay W. Jackson, Henry C.Karlson, Oliver C. S. Tzeng, 1991, Theories of Child Abuse and Neglect Differential Perspectives, Summaries, and Evaluations. Publisher Praeger. Place of Publication Westport, CT. Page Number 5. Craig A. Anderson, Brad J. Bushman, 2002, Human Aggression. Journal deed of conveyance Annual Review of Psychology. Page Number 27+. Alfie Kohn, 1988, Article designation Make Love, Not War We Keep Hearing That We Are an Aggressive, warriorlike Species. Scientists Keep Telling Us That We Have a Choice. Magazine entitle Psychology Today. Volume 22. Issue 6. Publication Date June. Page Number 34+.
Estonia Essay Essay
Estonia joined the European Union as well as NATO in 2004. Estonia has been the first coarse to free for internet voting in elections for parliament members (infoplease, n. d. ). Tampering would be thought to be an issue with allow for electronic voting, but the Estonian government has taken the precautions necessary to obstruct that from happening. The current president of Estonia is Toomas Hendrik Ilves. President Ilves was elected by an electoral college in 2006. He had previously served in the Estonia Parliament before being elected.The prime quantity Minister of Estonia, who serves as the head of the government and has just as overmuch if not more power than the president, is Prime Minister Andrus Ansip who has held his position since 2005. The token of government that Estonia has adopted is a Parliamentary Republic. The people of the Estonia voter turnout for the members to pose that parliament, in this case 101 people. Those 101 members of parliament then(prenominal) vote on who the President and Prime Minister of Estonia argon. Parliament also gives by votes to the people on issues that are concerns for the whole country.Estonia remains a so called melting pot for Eastern Europe. The country is made up of 60 percent Estonias, with the some other(a) 40 percent being from other part of the former Soviet Republic and a small population from other various parts of the world (Miller, 2009). With this much diversity within the country it is commendable that Estonia has done so well and can be a model of social and political change in just a short period of time after it had gained its independence from the Soviet Union. The political landscape of Estonia remains steady even with the drastic population from other countries.The huge national population disparity can and has lead to crazy conflicts in the country. In 2007, the Russians that are in the country went to the capital to commemorate Victory Day, this day being the end of Fascism at the end of WWII. Estonians view Victory Day totally different than the Russians that are apart of Estonia. Victory Day to Estonians represents the start of Soviet occupancy in their country up until 1990. The Estonian government then moved the statue that the Russians came to, to celebrate, which led to violent clashes with country police for days (Miller, 2009).
Friday, January 11, 2019
Social Responsibility of Business
However, in the twenty-first blow it is a warms responsibility to hold a broader range of value on what is called the Triple Bottom Line, which consists of people, planet, and usefulnesss. Although financial profit is vital for a sign of the zodiac to exist, the impalpable benefits that come from operating with society and the surround in mind go centering beyond pure financial gain. As a manager, hiring hard-working and competent individuals to work for your firm is obviously important, but it is often not enough.Your employees atomic number 18 call backovers Just want you, your guests, your suppliers, and even so the firms sh arholders. Taking their concerns into consideration, and allowing them to express themselves openly and honestly earth-closet make them much happier employees. smart employees provide better quality customer service, which leads to happier customers. Happier customers lead to to a greater extent backup, which leads to happy investors. In other words, making your employees happy can have prosperous results.Although conducting green business is expensive and may require high-priced investments depending on what industry a firm is in, we are obligated as a planet to move in that direction. Practices like pollution and deforestation, along with byproducts like CA emissions are very rough on the environment, and unless we engage in cleaner, more sustainable practices, we may cause irreversible molest to the planet. A quote comes to mind, although I dont have in mind where I heard it from If you think economics is more important than the environment, try numeration your money while holding your breath. Yes, its a bit extreme, but it effectively puts the immensity of the environment into perspective, and reminds us that there are future generations relying on our consideration and interposition of the environment. I hope that businesses in the twenty-first century ordain take more accommodative and proactive strategies t oward CARS practices than their historical counterparts. imputable to the costly nature of CARS related activities, I doubt that all organizations will actually support CARS activities, and will continue to take reactive and defensive stances regarding CARS.Being realistic, however, we can pick up that CARS is becoming a hot subject area mongo firms around the world, which means Coos and other shareholders are likely to begin to push their companys in that direction. It may be because the shareholders are genuinely concerned with ongoing social issues and the sustainability of our environment, or it may be because the CEO hardly wants to promote their company in a positive way to the public. Either way, it seems that CARS will become much more real and practiced as the 21st century progresses. Both the benefits of implementing CARS activities and the inevitable costs of ignoring them cannot be denied.
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Social inequality in Birmingham 1
The metropolis of Birmingham was founded in 1871, and lies within Jefferson County and Shelby County. It is known by various names, The Magic metropolis, Pittsburg of the South and the tragic City being few of them. Birmingham had witnessed active industrialization and also witnessed periods of affable, political, and economic inequality. In the 1960s, the local government strategies to sustain racial segregation had disastrous effects. The church shelling attack on September 15, 1963, brought just about world criticism.The death of the four African girls was enough proof of the racial discrimination that Birmingham was facing. The unleash of terror and violence in Birmingham added yet another name to the list, Bombingham. This inexorable attack was condemned by people passim the world and led to many developments which in fact played a study role in its prosperity. That was the time when Birmingham was reeling chthonic social and racial discrimination. Though recent by alm ost four decades, the blamable verdict in 2002 brought hope. The Voting Rights stand for of 1965 which followed gave equal access to civil affair in Birmingham.The electing of Richard Arrington, an African American educator, as the Mayor of Birmingham in 1979 ushered in an duration of racial harmony and prosperity. When he retired in 1999, Birmingham was deeply pitched on the alley to success. Thus Birmingham did suffer great social and racial inequalities but it distanced itself from the past and stepped into a b slump future under the leading of many a capable hands, and then crossing the barriers of social inequalities. Today Birmingham is the largest city in Alabama and an international sum total for health care.Though Birmingham has done extremely substantially in various spheres, the efforts to set right a history of pervasive fore inequality persist even straight off throughout Birmingham. But the social conditions nominate greatly changed, and definitely, for the better. To quote Martin Luther King jr. ,I like to believe the negatively charged extremes of Birminghams past will resolve into the positive and utopian extremes of her future that the sins of a meritless yesterday will be redeem in the achievements of a bright tomorrow. deferred payment www. africanaonline. com
Monday, January 7, 2019
Burkitt Lymphoma Essay
Burkitt Lymphoma was mapped out in geographic distribution a cross(a) Africa by Dr. Denis Parsons Burkitt (Huang 2005). This distemper is a mellow grade B- st altogether neoplasm, which has cardinal major old age the indigenous (i. e. African nature) and the non-endemic (i. e. fitful nature). Burkitt Lymphoma is mainly found as childishness neoplasm, yet it is, also, discovered in grown patients (Huang 2005). This Lymphoma type is one of the fastest evolution malignancies in humans, and it has a high increase fraction (Huang 2005).Burkitt Lymphoma is a monoclonal proliferation of B lymphocytes that is characterized by sm alone non-cleaved cells is appe ard to be ordered in appearance (Huang 2005). It produces a diffuse pattern of tissue amour. While below the microscope, this lymphoma is characterized by the presence of a starlit sky appearance due to disordered macroph get alongs with phagocyte cell debris this is observed in other highly proliferate lymphomas, as well (Huang 2005).The African comprise of this lymphoma most often involves the maxilla or mandible and the involvement of type AB organs, for compositors case the kidneys, ovaries, and retroperitoneal structures, but is somewhat less(prenominal) commonalty (Huang 2005). On the contrary, the sporadic form involves the group AB organs distal ileum, cecum, and mesentery. The involvement of pelvic organs or facial fig outs is high-minded (Huang 2005).The majority of Burkitt Lymphomas carry a translation of the c-myc oncogene from chromosome eight to the immune serum globulin (lg) heavy-chain region on chromosome fourteen (t 814)or a light-chain loci chromosome two (t 82)or chromosome xxii (t 822) (Huang 2005). Within the African form of Burkitt Lymphoma, The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has been implicated strongly and the kind in the sporadic form is less exculpated (Huang 2005). Epstein-Barr virus is associated in almost twenty percent of sporadic cases. The r are cases in ad ult are unremarkably associated with immunodeficiency, preponderantly AIDS, respectively (Huang 2005).Some get down reasoned, the host is unable to generate decent T-lymphocyte response or Epstein-Barr specific cytoxic T-cells (Huang 2005). This by and bywards results in excessive B cell proliferation. The lymphocytes bedevil receptors in particular for the Epstein-Barr virus and are the specific targets (Huang 2005). In the African form, the hosts are believed to be unable to increase a suitable immune response to prime Epstein-Barr infection. This is possible due to coexistent malaria or other infections that are immunosuppressive, also (Huang 2005).Burkitt Lymphoma is an super rare crabby person in the joined States, with besides 100 new cases apiece year. However, Burkitt Lymphoma is endemic in many regions of equatorial Africa and other tropical regions between latitudes 10 south and 10 north. The frequency of this cancer in these endemic regions is 100 per one th ousand million children (Huang 2005). The male-to-female ratio is 2-31, and the most common a in children is seven years of age is the mean in African, eleven years of age is the current mean out of doors of Africa (Huang 2005). Prior to aggressive therapeutic give-and-take program, children with Burkitt Lymphoma died fastly.However, with a crew of chemotherapy and CNS prophylaxis the selection of the fittest rate has increase to at least sixty percent and patients with a control disease now rent a ninety percent chance of survival (Huang 2005). Patients with bone marrow and CNS involvement have a poor prognosis. Adults with the disease, especially those in the advanced stage, do to a greater extent poorly than affected children (Huang 2005). In the African form, patients most often present lummox of the mandible and other facial bone with the loosening of teeth, and swelling of the lymph nodes, which have rapid growth below the mandible (Huang 2005).Patients who have the s poradic form are commonly presented with group AB tumors that cause swelling and distract in the affected area hardly a(prenominal) patients have symptoms of bowel obstruction that is caused by tumor growth (Huang 2005). Burkitt tumors growth is staggeringly rapid in nature, and patients have clear metabolic derangement and renal juncture impairment and may include extradural skunk, skin nodules, central nervous clay symptoms, and bone marrow involvement (Huang 2005). uncommon cases of Burkitt lymphoma can present acute leukemia with fever, anemia, bleeding, and adenopathy (Huang 2005). initiative indicators of Burkitt Lymphoma include soft tissue mass associated with involvement of the mandible, enlarged cervical lymph nodes, abdominal masses, and ascites (Huang 2005). Moreover, the exact cause and mechanisms of this lymphoma are forthwith unknown. It is important that Burkitt Lymphoma is distinguished from other abdominal tumors in childhood, such as Wilms tumor, neurob lastoma, and computer peripheral neuroectodermal tumor (Huang 2005). Also, in spite of appearance the bone marrow, B and T precursors and myeloid leukemia must be distinguished (Huang 2005).Systemic chemotherapy is the sermon for this lymphoma is all its stages. The survival rate ultimately depends on the stage at initial diagnosis (Huang 2005). Patients with a localized infection move well to chemotherapy, with an excellent rate of survival. Cyclophosphamide therapy has been cure for eighty percent of children in Africa with the archeozoic stage of Burkitt Lymphoma (Brock 1996). The effect of cyclophosphamide is due to its metabolite phosphoramide mustard greens (Brock 1996). The metabolite is only formed in cells which have low levels of aldehyde dehydrogenase.The Phosphoramide mustard forms deoxyribonucleic acid cross links between and within DNA strands this leads to cell death (Brock 1996). However, combination chemotherapy has change treatment results. Intensive, sh ort-duration, alkylator-based regimens are necessary for all patients with the sporadic form (Huang 2005). In patients with AIDS, Burkitt Lymphoma is in advanced stage at metre of diganosis and tends to involve extranodal sites (Huang 2005). Furthermore, because of beneathlying immunodeficiency and leukopenia, these patients tolerate general chemotherapy very poorly.A patients expiration usually follows shortly after diagnosis (Huang 2005). A nine hebdomad regiment of cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone was effective for primal stages of the disease and a longer regimen included a combination with shaft of light (Link et al. 1997). The cure rate more than exceeded ninety percent with minimal toxicity. Therefore, a lesser-intensive therapy is under evaluation as a potentially effective means to steer clear of unnecessary toxicity for patients with early stages (Link et al. 1997).This may achieve similar cure place obtained with prolonged treatment (Link et al. 1997). Vanderbilt Medical philia has reported results for patients with poor-prognosis non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, which includes Burkitt Lymphoma, using a high dose and short-duration combined chemotherapy comprising cyclophosphamide, etoposide, doxorubicin, vincristine, bleomycin, methotrexate with leucovorin rescue, prednisone (Huang 2005). Burkitt Lymphoma patients have a high stake of tumor lysis syndrome before chemotherapy is started because of rapid tumor cell turnover (Huang 2005).This is a life-threatening situation and should be anticipated and address to the patient prior to beginning treatment (Huang 2005). discussion should be preformed at a proper facility with renal dialysis is available, predominantly for patients with progression of disease (Huang 2005). Treatment of recurrent Burkitt lymphoma is difficult. Bone marrow transplantation is the only hope of long-term survival for these patients (Huang 2005). Burkitt Lymphoma is a high grade B-cell neoplasm, whic h is highly endemic in Central Africa and sporadic end-to-end other countries (Huang 2005). This disease is the fastest maturement malignancy in children.A combination chemotherapy is the most effect mode of treatment and has high cure range within early stages, and the moderate cure rates for progressed patients (Huang 2005). References Brock N. (1996). The history of the oxazaphosphorine cytostatics. Cancer. 78542-7. Link MP, Shuster JJ, Donaldson SS, et al. (1997). Treatment of children and young adults with early-stage non-Hodgkins lymphoma. New England daybook of Medicine. 30 October 1997 337(18) 1259-66. Huang, H, MD, PhD et al.. (2005). Burkitt Lymphoma. eMedicine. Date visited 19 April 2006. http//www. emedicine. com/med/topic256. htm
Friday, January 4, 2019
Linking benefit and pay and to competitive advantage
For companies to be able to fertilize their scoop out and let last quality goods and run they read to hand everywhere a roleplay channelise up which is of high procreative, their productiveness is mostly base on nigh few brass such a fabricate and service and warlike advantages. As companies/ wet causa still competition to control the mart both(prenominal) management of these companies be sexual climax up with ideas to please their employee and accommodate them in their blind drunk. All sloppeds require these three matters. several(prenominal) require attractive eudaemonias early(a)(a)s be reassessing their domiciliates some package are fund education, decrepit make do , health negociate for employee family, assert transport for their employee, rewarding the most generative employee and providing houses for their employees.Fund educationSome companies bulge out along their employee to further their studies and climb up the bunk in the compani onship. This is make in site to growth employee experience in what he/she handle in the friendship. Its too done in revisal to increase the productiveness of a employee.Elderly pull offAs most companies face strict competition service and good, some plastereds are starting a package to furnish for their employee who have since retired and are in their tardily ages. This is done in suppose for an employee to be accumulate to concentrate on his duties and throw off their best in that companion. Company which head these services tends mostly to out d early(a) s who do non have such kind of services in their operation.Health care for their ready familyWhere an employee is required to leave his place of lam and go to take his immediate particle of family to a infirmary, some companies are groovy this wastage of snip by introducing health care services to their employee non only economises metre the service ordain as well as turn in the employee money as he/sh e does not need to spend anything in the hospital as his smart set forget place the bills.Offer transport for their employeeFirm go out buy buses which are utilize to take their employee from their residence to their place of fix this is done in order to be bale to save to time which they could have used to go and look for early(a) agency of transport and olibanum reporting to work late or already dim and thus been unable to bring up more(prenominal) for the bon ton. In some firm each employee is dropped at his/her door and thus save companies and in any case employee time.Rewarding the most productive employeeIn most firms an employee who progress tos more in the firm is mostly rewarded by the management this is done in such a appearance(p) that the productiveness of employee is perused, where by a firm get out a questioner where every(prenominal) employee fills the questioner with the guidance of the management.Providing houses to employeeIn cranial orbit whe re the employee comes from a far distance the firm give houses for their employee where the employer do not indispensability their employee to waste time they are provided with a house where they resides together with their family. Its also done in order for a guild to be able to go through that their employees are safe.ResultsCompanies which have the above exposit services to their employee tend to have high production and do interrupt than other who does not have any advantage /competitive advantage.Messer. M (2006) Benefits Gian a competitive edge with tenderiseings employers want strategic make 88.no5, 8, and 10Competition for experienced accounting system and finance professional increase shaping are looking for ways to give themselves an edge way top help, a player achieve a cave in work living balance this is by qualification the worker satisfiedness in his work and also in his life among the benefits is all over time work and companies that offer facilities such as health care or similar effort dispute commitment to personal to their employees.They use various(a) ways such as sharpening the readinesss of the employee,Sharpening of skillThis is done by the keep party send employee to direct to increase their skill in the company. This effect is felt by the company in their production. Incase where an employee is kept comfortable by the company he tends to stool more in turn of return. A company input sack date the employee out put this is determined oh how commit is the company to its employees. Company and employee vary widely. In order for a company to commit in force(p)ly its must know who to hire, make nature and develop its employees.The trouble is the employee effective studies show that the best and the academically brightest are more likely to leave a firm. This is the best are mostly not comfortable either by the operative condition or the workers pay and benefits and thus they are poached by other companies whic h have better conditio0n and benefits. A company may use the benefits to increase its employee morale and prevailing and attracting employees it can also use benefits to hold the line employee attitude and increase their performance. Such benefit includes career growth or a mentor in a firm. line of achievement growthThis is whereby the company can take its employee to school in order for them to necessitate newfound skill for the company. This makes the employee to feel that the company owns them and thus give all the best to the company. What is important in any company is the employee and their status a important element any company to keep its clients and its channel knowing its attached into it .its capability to recruit, retain and develop its employees.In most countries in the trine world many workforces entrust join many companies with a hitch of giving their best into the company will be determined by company interest in metierening and restructuring the employee profession. Those several(predicate) employees will look different in most companies, some will be challenged by the rumination given by the company and advance their career with the groom of crimping the ladder and also for a better pay. Some will not work with the referenced company for long due(p) to been unable to adapt to the company, other will go to better pay companies, provide better working condition have good package.Many employee do not take a company as a place to work for over five years they gauge their throw on some aspect its still that many employee in the country are more likely to leave pursuance better working condition and other rumination.In some companies they have unquestionable ways of tapping the promising employee by promoting him over the ladder, they also encourage them to go to school and advance their career in order for them to climb the ladder of promotion and get better pay thus promote them to work with the said company. Companies should at least look into employees policies under which they work.Schwartz B,R,Wurtzel J, Olson L attracting and retaining teachers boldness for a economic cooperation and development. The OECD Observer no261.27-28In each and every company all workers rigorous requires some readiness. In order for them to be able to produce for the company this means they have to asses the work of the company what is expected of them and their aims/goals.IntroductionFor example some company creates a calendar week in the company calendar for rigorous learning and also introduction. This enables the employee to be able to produce what is expected of him. It also expects to minimize time loss in the company. To develop a company to be able to produce more and have effective employees a company is supposed to match the productiveness of an employee. In some company they provide a questioner which every new and old employee fills, it offer each week this is aimed at direct correspondence amid the direct ors and employee. In order one to cognize the weakness and strong ness of an employee. Its matching in such a way that the directors reads the questionnaire and when they note there is laxness in one employee a special police squad is there to assist him.Some firm share workshop with other firm this is to ensure that an employee can learn from the other employee of another firm other system of rules organize for departmental workshop this sharpens an employee and also he /she get to understand what he does not understand . This is aimed at displace them with the high perform employee and low performing employee to effective knowledge.One common thing is that good employee is an advantage to the company in which a company can be able to produce more and employee can learn from one another. Supporting and retaining employees makes them feel that they are part of that company thus they work with all their strength knowing that they will be in that company for a long period. In ea ch and every form when making a policies one should address pay and potential for company /sector growth.In many countries most in third world country worker5 policies are fair a bit tough to the worker and many people are resulting for self- work a company should come up with way to reward the employee i.e. by paying more for one who produce more. This is linking pay and benefit to competitive advantage.T. H Koen,Wang C,J.2005 Benefits offer an advantage a firm productivity ?an empirical examination personnel recapitulation 34no4.,393,512SummaryThis is explaining or suggesting that employee benefits have a moderate effect on firm productivity, irrespective of industry or firm size.
Free Enterprise
By definition, a unload green light parsimony ( in like manner kn stimulate as capitalism or a openhanded merchandise economy) is an stinting outline determineled mainly by the individuals and esoteric companies instead of the establishment. Characteristics of a large-minded- enterprise arrangement allow stinting innocentdom, self-imposed diversify, close property, and the promiscuousdom of cabbage pauperism. Capitalist societies mainly achieve a higher quantity of living because of the inducing to run away capitalism prefers harder and more high-octane workers. Economic turndom is a fountainhead of a promiscuous commercialiseplace economy, which allows mess to decide how they exit earn and cash in unrivalleds chips their income.Economy The meaning of cliquish property is those in spite of appearance a capitalisticic society incur the right to spoil and change what they give or larn through mart applications. This gives both what they need without the need of disposal regulation of how a lot they dismiss cope and at what costs. ic emancipation besides yields to companies so they whitethorn choose which goods and serve to make believe and how frequently to charge for them establish on the privations, or demands of the great deal. Competition in the midst of producers is permitted and this leads to better type products.The hardest workers atomic number 18 the ones who watch employed t for it raises standards and the level of production. by this holdment, both the subverter and the seller atomic number 18 degage to guile with one some other(prenominal) and make sparing or visible gains off the slew. A free enterprise economy is ground on the holy persons that esoteric citizens own affair and production. A intended supervene upon allows emptors and sellers to engage freely and bequeathingly in the food grocery storeplace economy. net motive do-nothing be exposit as plurality and factors of productions purify their fountainhead cosmos by devising bills as they set fit.This regulates the inwardness and soma of products produced to appease the population. The government has no control condition on what one buys and sells, and workers cig artte work for whomever they invite with no restrictions. In a sloshed free market economy, consumers ar confront with numerous options and change offs, so the trounce of the bests are the ones that survive. For example, homeowners can sell their homes as and when they delight and disagree. This is the primary ideal in a capitalist society, slew may control their possessions as they wish. about topics in this turn out scotch liberty, market economy, free market economy, addition motive, free market, impulsive flip-flop, cloistered property, independence willful deputise, exchange toffee-nosed property, volunteer exchange backstage, exchange cloistered, buyers sellers, economic immunity voluntary, exemption voluntary, free enterprise, nterprise economy (also cognise as capitalism or a free market economy) is an economic system controlled chiefly by the individuals and private companies instead of the government. Characteristics of a private-enterprise(prenominal) system include economic freedom, voluntary exchange, private property, and the freedom of profit motive.Capitalist societies for the most part achieve a higher standard of living because of the incentive to work capitalism prefers harder and more high-octane workers. Economic freedom is a atomic number 82 of a free market economy, which allows people to decide how they will earn and decease their income. Econom The meaning of private property is those indoors a capitalist society convey the right to buy and sell what they own or produce through market applications. This gives both what they want without the need of government regulation of how very much they can championship and at what costs. c freedom also yields to companies so they may choose which goods and go to produce and how much to charge for them establish on the wants, or demands of the people. Competition in the midst of producers is permitted and this leads to better shade products. The hardest workers are the ones who go forward employed t for it raises standards and the level of production. by means of this engagement, both the buyer and the seller are free to trade with one another and make economical or tangible gains off the trade. A free enterprise economy is found on the ideals that private citizens own argument and production.A voluntary exchange allows buyers and sellers to engage freely and willingly in the market economy. Profit motive can be described as people and factors of productions improve their well being by making money as they see fit. This regulates the amount and kind of products produced to accommodate the population. The government has no control on what one buys and s ells, and workers can work for whomever they wish with no restrictions. In a wealthy free market economy, consumers are faced with many options and trade offs, so the best of the bests are the ones that survive.For example, homeowners can sell their homes as and when they please and disagree. This is the basic ideal in a capitalist society, people may control their possessions as they wish. Some topics in this essay , economic freedom, market economy, free market economy, profit motive, free market, voluntary exchange, private property, freedom voluntary exchange, exchange private property, voluntary exchange private, exchange private, buyers sellers, economic freedom voluntary, freedom voluntary, free enterprise, Free EnterpriseBy definition, a free enterprise economy (also known as capitalism or a free market economy) is an economic system controlled chiefly by the individuals and private companies instead of the government. Characteristics of a free-enterprise system include eco nomic freedom, voluntary exchange, private property, and the freedom of profit motive. Capitalist societies generally achieve a higher standard of living because of the incentive to work capitalism prefers harder and more efficient workers. Economic freedom is a principal of a free market economy, which allows people to decide how they will earn and spend their income.Economy The meaning of private property is those within a capitalist society have the right to buy and sell what they own or produce through market applications. This gives both what they want without the need of government regulation of how much they can trade and at what costs. ic freedom also yields to companies so they may choose which goods and services to produce and how much to charge for them based on the wants, or demands of the people. Competition between producers is permitted and this leads to better quality products.The hardest workers are the ones who remain employed t for it raises standards and the leve l of production. Through this engagement, both the buyer and the seller are free to trade with one another and make economical or material gains off the trade. A free enterprise economy is based on the ideals that private citizens own business and production. A voluntary exchange allows buyers and sellers to engage freely and willingly in the market economy. Profit motive can be described as people and factors of productions improve their well being by making money as they see fit.This regulates the amount and kind of products produced to accommodate the population. The government has no control on what one buys and sells, and workers can work for whomever they wish with no restrictions. In a wealthy free market economy, consumers are faced with many options and trade offs, so the best of the bests are the ones that survive. For example, homeowners can sell their homes as and when they please and disagree. This is the basic ideal in a capitalist society, people may control their pos sessions as they wish. Some topics in this essay economic freedom, market economy, free market economy, profit motive, free market, voluntary exchange, private property, freedom voluntary exchange, exchange private property, voluntary exchange private, exchange private, buyers sellers, economic freedom voluntary, freedom voluntary, free enterprise, nterprise economy (also known as capitalism or a free market economy) is an economic system controlled chiefly by the individuals and private companies instead of the government. Characteristics of a free-enterprise system include economic freedom, voluntary exchange, private property, and the freedom of profit motive.Capitalist societies generally achieve a higher standard of living because of the incentive to work capitalism prefers harder and more efficient workers. Economic freedom is a principal of a free market economy, which allows people to decide how they will earn and spend their income. Econom The meaning of private prope rty is those within a capitalist society have the right to buy and sell what they own or produce through market applications. This gives both what they want without the need of government regulation of how much they can trade and at what costs. c freedom also yields to companies so they may choose which goods and services to produce and how much to charge for them based on the wants, or demands of the people. Competition between producers is permitted and this leads to better quality products. The hardest workers are the ones who remain employed t for it raises standards and the level of production. Through this engagement, both the buyer and the seller are free to trade with one another and make economical or material gains off the trade. A free enterprise economy is based on the ideals that private citizens own business and production.A voluntary exchange allows buyers and sellers to engage freely and willingly in the market economy. Profit motive can be described as people and fa ctors of productions improve their well being by making money as they see fit. This regulates the amount and kind of products produced to accommodate the population. The government has no control on what one buys and sells, and workers can work for whomever they wish with no restrictions. In a wealthy free market economy, consumers are faced with many options and trade offs, so the best of the bests are the ones that survive.For example, homeowners can sell their homes as and when they please and disagree. This is the basic ideal in a capitalist society, people may control their possessions as they wish. Some topics in this essay , economic freedom, market economy, free market economy, profit motive, free market, voluntary exchange, private property, freedom voluntary exchange, exchange private property, voluntary exchange private, exchange private, buyers sellers, economic freedom voluntary, freedom voluntary, free enterprise,
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
Ozzy Osbourne
Ozzy Osbourne is one of the most contradictive persons in the history of contemporary jounce medical specialty. On the one hand, he is a noted vocaliser being famous for his unparalleled image, wearing and facetstyle and his music is sure enough beloved by thousands of fans, whereas, on the other(a) hand he has had serious problems with medicate and alcohol addictions. Nevertheless, his struggle for survival has to be praised and respected.It is app arnt that literature search revealed all over 100 words and platters on the history of rock music and Osbournes cargoner. Over one-half of these were prescriptive and written by practitioners, consultants and journalists.Adams, Deanna R. arguing n ramble on and the Cleveland Connection. Kent, OH Kent State University Press, 2002.This admit is not intended to be a rootized history of rock music, documenting every fact or thoroughly analyzing every decade. Rather, it is to the highest degree those sight and events resp onsible for making this the rock music n Roll Capital of the military personnel. The book presents earlier extraordinary and elicit viewpoint concerning Ozzy Osbourne and his musical career.Appleyard, Bryan. Blizzard of Oz, The sunshine generation Magazine, November 27, 2005.The bind suggests that Ozzy Osbourne is surely one of the most interesting and at the same time awful singer due to his unique image, clothing and lifestyle. He is kn consume to shock promotion with extraordinary appearance, hair cuts and colors mixture. Nevertheless, germ states that practically every star has his own blizzards. Concerning Osbourne it is his dose and alcohol addictions, though he has managed to cope with disease having proven that he is able to struggle for life and commonity. He underwent treatments for alcohol and drug abuse. And now he is famous for both musical and TV careers.Davidson, Sandra (ed.) & Winfield, Betty Houchin (ed.). Bleep Censoring rock and roll and Rap Music. Westport, CT Greenwood Press, 1999.The book is close to societal attempts to control rock and exploit music in a democracy. This book explains how governmental statutes, agency regulations, business controls and parents live with tried to censor the music and when they confound succeeded or why not. The book excessively focuses on the dilemma of a people who ideally believe in relinquish expression as part of a democracy. It is apparent that attempts to censor Osbourne are likewise involved in the book.Dodd, P. The Book of careen. capital of the United Kingdom Pavilion, 2001.The book is just about the individual artists and groups associated with wave music involving Ozzy Osbourne and his contradictive career and person. It is seen that the book is of considerable importance for up-to-the-minute research, because it provides thorough run and analysis of rock music history. The book is meant for a wide circle of readers who are fond of rock and Ozzy Osbourne.Exclusive O zzy Osbourne on Everything. Sunday Mirror, 2005, April 3 16.The name presents interview with a famous singer about his surreptitious life and musical career. Ozzy believes his lavish family radical in the English countryside is cursed. It is stated that in spite his one million millions and his transatlantic lifestyle, Ozzy is astonished at the cost of living in Britain and feels that the operative man is being priced out of the country.Goldberg, Jonah. Ozzy without Harriet What the Osbournes Tells Us about Drugs. National Review, 54, 11 (2002, June 17) 23-24.The Osbournes, the universe-TV award about the 53-year-old former lead singer of the metal band Black Sabbath and his dysfunctional family, is an unprecedented hit. It receives the highest ratings in MTVs history. The article provides expound of the show stating that is one of the most popular as it present daily life of a singer.Gosset, pol & Leyser, Brady J. fluctuate Stars/ come out of the closet Stars A Compr ehensive Bibliography, 1955-1994. Westport, CT Greenwood Press, 1994.This bibliography is a listing of over 3,600 books about the individual artists and groups associated with Rock/Pop music involving Ozzy Osbourne. It is seen that the book is of great importance for current research, because it aims at providing the most accurate and umbrella bibliography available on Rock/Pop stars.The article says that Wildman rocker was invited to the White firm due to the success launch of reality show The Osbournes. According to statistic provided in the article show has more that three million viewers. Family values and problems are incorporated in research. The article touches Osbournes problems with drugs and alcohol stating that he has had also problems with crashing hotel rooms and cars.Ozzy Rules in a Rock World Dominated by Bad Boys, Ozzy Osbourne Stood out. The periodical Mail, 2005, November 19 16.Newspaper article provides information about Osbournes problems with drug and alcohol considering that now he has been cured. The author suggests that Osbourne is really amazed by his youthful image as a family man. Osbournes has blend one of Britains, and Americas most famous families. They are laughed at because of their crazy antics, thoih held in essence because of their obvious love for each other.The Ozzy Osbourne of Wolverhampton. The Birmingham Post, 2006, July 19 5.Actually the article argues about Osbournes popularity and states that many a(prenominal) fans are willing to behave and look like their music ideal. For example, A parrot-killer who decapitate his beloved pet in a drunken rage has been jailed for five-and-a-half months by and by a magistrate branded him the Ozzy Osbourne of Wolverhampton.ReferencesAdams, Deanna R. Rock n Roll and the Cleveland Connection. Kent, OH Kent State University Press, 2002.Appleyard, Bryan. Blizzard of Oz, The Sunday Times Magazine, November 27, 2005.Davidson, Sandra (ed.) & Winfield, Betty Houchin (ed.). Bleep Censoring Rock and Rap Music. Westport, CT Greenwood Press, 1999.Dodd, P. The Book of Rock. capital of the United Kingdom Pavilion, 2001.Exclusive Ozzy Osbourne on Everything. Sunday Mirror, 2005, April 3 16.Goldberg, Jonah. Ozzy without Harriet What the Osbournes Tells Us about Drugs. National Review, 54, 11 (2002, June 17) 23-24.Gosset, Pol & Leyser, Brady J. Rock Stars/Pop Stars A Comprehensive Bibliography, 1955-1994. Westport, CT Greenwood Press, 1994.Ozzy Osbourne Invited to White stick out, 2002, April 4. Avaiable at http// pastime/tv_and_radio/1911033.stmOzzy Rules in a Rock World Dominated by Bad Boys, Ozzy Osbourne Stood out. The Daily Mail, 2005, November 19 16.The Ozzy Osbourne of Wolverhampton. The Birmingham Post, 2006, July 19 5.
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