
Friday, March 1, 2019

Comparre and Contrast Essay

Over the years the U.S had underwent frightful changes soci eithery, politically, and economically making the U.S what it is today.Many classes began to develop with industrialization. Rich pulverisation owners were fit to set themselves out from the rest of the group by growing in wealth, and there were many lower-class unskilled workers who took jobs where ever they could find them. By 1800, many political leaders were convinced that slavery was undesir adapted, and should eventually be abolished, and the slaves returned to their natural homes in Africa. Women had no rights at all men had the upper berth hand in everything , women couldnt even give out an education they had to mystify home cleaning , cooking , and taking care of the kids but eventually a law was passed and women could participation in politics, get an education , and get a job just like men.With various inventions such as the typewriter, the mechanical reaper, the oil drill, and the light bulb, work was able to be do at a much faster and efficient rate, which made things cheaper, which wherefore in turn helped the economy because people were able to buy more(prenominal) things. The Federal Reserve was established. Early American currency went through several(prenominal) stages of development in the colonial and post-Revolutionary history of the United States. Because few coins were minted in the thirteen colonies that became the United States in 1776, foreign coins like the Spanish dollar sign were widely circulated.Many political machines were run through tenant owners where immigrants were able to sign up for a job in a factory if they vowed to vote for a candidate of the land lords choice. ratification of the 14th amendment was established standardizing what an American citizen was. The 13th amendment was established abolishing slavery. The 15th amendment was passed afterward the Civil War that guaranteed blacks the right to vote. This amendment affected not only freed slaves in the South, but also blacks living in the North, who generally had not been allowed to vote.As you can see the U.S had underwent a lot of socially, politically, andeconomically changes. If it wasnt for all these changes being made the U.S wouldnt be where it is today.

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