Sunday, December 22, 2019
The Case Of Morse Et Al V. Frederick - 909 Words
Morse et al. v. Frederick The case of Morse et al. v. Frederick was argued by the Supreme Court in 2007. This was a First Amendment case, centered on the basic right of freedom of speech as defined in the Constitution of the United States. The facts that contributed to the issue took place during a High School assembly event. A group of students had displayed a banner that read â€Å"BONG HiTS 4 JESUS.†The High School Principal (Morse) saw this as an illegal drug reference, and was responsible for eliminating such references as outlined in the school’s policy. That being taken into consideration, Principal Morse promptly demanded the students to take down banner, upon which one student who brought the banner (Frederick) refused. Principal Morse confiscated the banner and additionally suspended Frederick from school. The school superintendent and the school board both supported the suspension by Principal Morse, under the premise that Frederick was suspended for viola tion of school policy which occurred when the words that were displayed on his banner supported illegal drug use. Frederick filed a lawsuit claiming that his First Amendment rights had been violated by not only Principal Morse, but also by the school board who had upheld his suspension. The Federal District Court heard the case and ordered a Summary Judgement, in favor of Morse et al. The Summary Judgement explained that Morse et al. were entitled to qualified immunity in their capacity as principal and schoolShow MoreRelatedFirst Amendment and Free Speech Essay1544 Words  | 7 Pagesfree speech based on three different Supreme Court cases and how there are varying examples of free speech. In the case of Snyder v. 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